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I stirred out of bed the next morning realizing I had slept in Damien's room. Looking around I noticed Damien sitting on the floor with his head down on the other side of the room.

"Damien?" He opened his tired eyes and just looked at me, like he wasn't sure if I was really here. His eyes widened then he put on his favourite expression, his poker face.

I propped myself up on my elbows, taking in his tiredness. He looked as if he hadn't slept at all. Did he have a nightmare?

"You moan in your sleep" he confessed and I blushed, no wonder why the King was on the floor of his own bedroom. I did dream of him last night, and the dream may or may not have been about our mingled bodies under bed sheets with heavy moaning on my part - I just hadn't realized I had moaned out loud. 

I was sure he could hear my pounding heart. He was so scared to be close to me, so scared to lose control. I want to work on our boundaries, what if we can live a life where we can be together with some exceptions like claiming me?

Waking up in his room today, I feel hopeful. We had spent an entire night in the same room - even though he may have been on the other side of the room the entire night, it was still progress.

"I should go" I pushed his blanket off of me and got up from the mattress.

I felt a quick gust of wind, Damien had zipped over to me. His fingers pushed back a few stray hair strands behind my ears. "It's harder to stay away when I know what you taste like.. all of you" I didn't dare speak, not just because of my morning breath but because I couldn't trust myself to pull any words together. I felt aroused thinking back to his head dipping between my thighs. How he had managed to get me to beg for more. I gulped, my mouth felt dry.

He chuckled and then zipped out of my vision, the sound of his bathroom door clicking snapped my head in it's direction.

I did my walk of shame to my room without making eye contact with any passing staff members although I could see them bowing their heads from my peripheral vision. 

Shutting my bedroom door behind me, I slumped down to the ground.

You're killing me Damien..

Time for a cold shower.


Walking out of my room was different after I had showered. Different as in it was extremely loud and busy.

I yelped and ducked under a large mirror that was being carried by two large guards. Their faces were fearful once they noticed me, I smiled at them and continued on my way.

I zig-zagged my way through staff decorating various parts of the palace.

There were men on ladders, hanging up vines with flowers. Children running around with balloons.

A beast and his mate, in a palace equally as large as those in Disney movies. It was like something right out of a fairy tale.

Towards the back of the palace there were walls covered in flowers.

My breath steamed on the window I looked out of.


"Excuse me y-your majesty" I turned towards the source of the polite voice.

A young girl stood before me, no older than twelve, her wide eyes were full of fear. She was fidgeting with the ribbon on her simple pale pink dress. I couldn't help but feel bad for being the source of her mood. 

"You can call me Ara"

She stared at me taking a step back, her eyes getting even wider "Oh - no! I can't"

Hers To Destroy [Alpha Series: Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now