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I packed my things and looked around my room.

I would be allowed to come back, right?

I sighed, exiting my room with the duffel bag he provided. Dropping it to the floor, I made my way to my parents room. I wondered how long their scent remain here.. two days.. a week?

I gravitated towards my mom's dresser. She was such a well organized woman. Always well-dressed, admired by everyone that met her.

Well put-together, beautiful, charming - she was everything I wanted to be.

I reached into her jewelry box, pulling out a necklace dad had gifted to her when they first met. It was a beautiful rose shaped pendent hanging from a golden chain.

My Grandma, the one mom adored so much, always fighting with Grandpa to accept her son's love, my mom. Grandma had told dad when he was young, around 16, that the necklace was to be given to his soulmate. 

I clasped the necklace around my neck. The necklace had been passed down from Grandma to dad to mom, and now to me.

"When you find your soulmate, just as I did, this necklace will be yours" mom had said, many years ago.

Someone clearing their throat behind my took my attention off of the necklace I was looking at in the mirror.


He stood there leaning against the door frame, looking like a model. He looked about 28.

"Soulmate" my mother's voice echoed in my mind.

I turned to to him. Is he really my soulmate? How would I actually know? His enemies killed mom and dad.. can I really blame him? 

My internal battle seemed pretty obvious, his eyes flickered hurt for half a second before it was gone. He nodded his head to the right.. time to leave.

I followed him down the stairs, he was carrying the duffel bag.

I looked him over, he was tall, muscular and there's no doubt he's a warrior.

My heart fluttered as he looked back. I scolded my racing heart to calm down.

I locked the doors and windows before looking back one last time.

This was my home for as long as I could remember. My heart felt heavy as I turned away.

I didn't see Mia as we walked out, nor did I see anyone else, just several SUVs with heavily tinted windows lined up on the street. It was dark and quiet on the street. No wind, no rustling of any kind. 

I followed behind Damien, not looking any higher than his shoulders - in case he turned around again, I couldn't look him in the eyes and cause my heart to start another drumming session. Distracted by my own thoughts, I walked right into Damien's back when he stopped at the back of a SUV on the street.

I backed away as if he had burned me, mumbling a quiet apology.


I sat quietly looking out the window as we drove. I stole glances of his face, but he caught me every time.

Deciding to break the silence, I asked him something that had been on my mind. "I've read about werewolves.. what abilities do you really have?"

After a few moments of silence, I had figured he didn't want to tell me.

Until he spoke quietly "heightened senses; smell, touch, taste, hearing, sight.. mind-link, quick healing" 

No wonder I always healed faster than normal..

Hers To Destroy [Alpha Series: Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now