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Another week had passed by, it was April, I had kept to myself in my room in that time. 

It's as if I had lost my will to do anything.

I buried myself in books that I grabbed from the library every morning. I stopped sitting at the library because my usual spot reminded me of my embarrassing breakdown in front of Damien.. it reminded me that he left me there broken on the floor.

My room provided solace but it also imprisoned me with my demons.

Every night I felt his presence, just like I did when I was at my own home, before I ever met him. The side of my face would tingle, just like it did every time he touched me.

I'd feel my bed dip with his weight at night but I never opened my eyes. I was too afraid that he would leave.. or that I'd realize he wasn't really here, that he was just a figment of my imagination.

Throughout the days, Mia would bring me food. The first day, she had tried to convince me to come out for a walk. After seeing me sitting there unresponsive to her attempts to cheer me up, she had given up, acting more cautious around me the following days.

A knock on the door made me look up from my book.

Mia walked in. She threw keys at me and I reached out to grab them out of instinct. They were car keys. 

"Let's go for a drive" she turned her back and disappeared out of my room. 

I played with the keys, contemplating whether I wanted to follow through or not. Mia knew I loved driving around when I had something on my mind. Back home, we'd drive around blocks we weren't familiar with while venting.

Finding energy within myself, I threw on a jacket.

Let's do this.

Mia was leaning against a sports cars when I got outside, my guard followed and stood at the palace entrance. I couldn't guess what car it was, I wasn't a car person. The car was longer in the front than in the back, sleek, and there was no doubt that it was a super sports car. 

Mia didn't look up, as she focused on the ground chewing gum. She must be mind-linking someone. I hated being left out.

The car roared to life. It was beastly. "We can't drive out of the gate, but we can drive around the palace and parking area" Mia said while putting on her seat-belt.

I drove around and around, drifting recklessly around corners. I wasn't a very good driver, but being reckless is what I needed right now. The thrill made me feel alive and I had never done this before.

Mia didn't seem too concerned with the well being of the car, that encouraged the crazy in me to take advantage and steer towards the gates.

"Ara.." Mia warned as I sped towards the gates that wouldn't open for me, I knew they wouldn't let me leave. 

"Ara!" Mia pulled the hand break. The car skid out of control onto the grass. I watched the world spin in slow motion.

When we stopped, time caught up to me and I killed the engine. The absence of the roaring engine left Mia and I in silence.

Mia started laughing hard, tears were rushing down her cheeks, she always teared up when she laughed too hard. Soon I joined in, laughing just as hard.

For the first time in a long time, I laughed without thinking about anything else.

I was laughing in the moment.

"That was the m-most stupid thing" she wiped her tears "you've ever done! Except when you thought Kyle was normal" she took a few deep breaths in "Who thinks it's normal for a friend with benefits to tell others that they can't talk to you?" She looked at me like I was crazy "that should have been a huge red flag!" she waved her arms up.

Hers To Destroy [Alpha Series: Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now