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I was moved to Alaska the day following the attack, and that was a week ago.

The Kingdom was breathtaking. 

I had somewhat adjusted to the new environment, only hoping I wouldn't be moving around anymore. I had started feeling at home at the Redsnow pack only to be moved here.. I could only hope this was my last stop.

The Kingdom grounds stretched for miles.

The palace itself was luxurious, no expense had been spared with anything. The floors were always sparkling, chandeliers larger than my old room. 

Golden everything. Diamonds everywhere. 

My room was extravagant. Suitable for a Queen as Mia had said, mock bowing to me, when we arrived last week.  She was staying in a room across the hall from mine.

I had taken a liking to the kitchen staff, especially Brenda, an older wolf who was caring but very mouthy. Brenda didn't take s**t from anybody. She was intimidating, even the strongest warrior feared crossing paths with her.

Mia and Brenda would bicker every time they were remotely close to each other, it was just their relationship. Anyone would think they're actually fighting if it weren't for the subtle smirks and winks they would pass my way while they insulted one another.

Sometimes I wondered if they bickered just to keep my mind off of him.  Damien had gone missing again, it was getting very frustrating because he disappeared right as we had arrived at Redsnow pack, and then he disappeared before I even arrived here in Damien's private jet.

And just like last time, everyone was very tight lipped about his whereabouts.

Every time I asked Mia, she told me she was under orders to not say anything. I tried asking for clues but she apologized each time I thought of a way around Damien's orders.

I spent most of my time in the kitchen, helping Brenda and the others. If I wasn't in the kitchen, I was in the library looking for clues about the prophecy Sheriff had mentioned. I had never gotten around to asking about it - and now it was my first priority.

I was cautious not to bring it up to anyone, I wasn't sure who knew and who didn't - I didn't want to spread any rumors. I wanted Damien to tell me, I knew he'd tell me the truth and not hold anything back.

Roland had written to me twice this week. I had burned every letter without reading them. I couldn't read about his feelings for me, it made me feel guilty. I hadn't lead him on, I knew we had dinner each night because it was his turn to watch over me. I made the best of our time together, watching movies, talking, laughing, but never flirting. I would have never known his feelings for me until the day he had kissed me.

A bit of me was mad at Roland for ruining what we had. 

Mad that creatures I didn't know existed and killed my parents.

Mad that my parents never told me about dad being a werewolf.

Mad at my parents life insurance company for feigning to care that my parents passed away.

Mad at the money in my bank account for my parents deaths.

Mad at Damien for always disappearing.

Mad at the prophecy that ruined my life.

Mad at the stupid crow for ever appearing.

Mad at God for taking away the two most valued people in my life.

Mad at myself for feeling so useless.

I watched warriors training outside the library windows, I sat at my usual spot on the second floor facing the kingdom training grounds. No one was ever in here, it was always just me and a guard at the entrance of the library that followed me around. I never asked him his name, not because I didnt want to.. but because he terrified me. He never stepped into the library, he must be allergic to books.

I watched the warriors training in their human forms. Everyone was always in their human form here. Not certain if it was because I was here or if there was some rule about having to remain in human form at the kingdom.

I turned around, hearing footsteps approaching me.

Damien. I bolted to him and pushed him back, he stumbled a foot back, not expecting that.

"Where have you been?!" I yelled. Anyone passing by the library must have heard me.

Damien's eyes glazed, then I heard the library door close. He mind-linked the guard to give us privacy, no doubt. 

"I've been going crazy, wondering if you were ok after you left me that night! No one would tell me anything! I was certain you were hurt - I don't even know what happened!"

"Breathe" he said, standing emotionless

I breathed in knowing I would have fainted with the lack of oxygen. "I felt so abandoned! I've been ripped out of my world, then thrown around!" I laughed cynically "I'm with werewolves" I clutched my stomach laughing louder, finding it hard to breathe. 

Who would have thought I'd be the Queen of werewolves? 

"My parents are dead" I laughed doubling over, not being able to take in enough oxygen. I collapsed to the ground on my knees before my laughter turned into sobs. I sobbed loudly with my hands limp on the floor beside my body, my head hung forward. The dam I had built up the past week came tumbling down.

I heard Damien's footsteps walk away. My body slumped down in defeat.

The library door opened and closed.

He was gone.


A/N: I know this one was a bit short and sad. I felt like I needed to express her inner turmoil before we moved forward. There's a reason why he's so cold - don't worry you will find out very soon .. heh

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