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"My father isn't a traitor," Sansa said.

"I know," Raya answered.

Sansa continued her pacing, "Why does the queen think he's a traitor?" she asked.

"I don't know Sansa," Raya lied. It was best if Sansa didn't know everything, "But she's requesting an audience with you. Be smart and don't say anything that could incriminate your father, or yourself."

Sansa nodded before shyly asking, "Will you walk with me?"

Raya smiled at her friend, "Of course."

Together they walked down the hall to her mother's office chambers. The door opened and Raya saw Varys, Littlefinger, Grand Maester Pycelle and her mother.

She turned to Sansa, "Do you want me to stay?"

Sansa thought for a second. She would feel comfortable is she had Raya in the room, but she didn't want the Queen to think she was incapable of facing her alone.

Raya was ready to stand by Sansa's side. She also wanted to confront her mother who had been avoiding her since the day in the throne room.

"I think I'll be okay. Will I see you after?" Sansa asked. Raya nodded and Sansa grinned.

"Be smart," Raya told Sansa before taking her leave.

Raya needed to find Arya. The younger girl had been at her dancing lessons, as she had gone to every morning. When she reached the room where she herself used to take lessons, she frowned. The room was empty, but there were traces of blood.

This wasn't good.


"Lord Stark," Raya said as she hesitantly entered the dungeons. Ned lifted his head and looked at the girl. He chuckled hoarsely as he dropped his gaze to his hands.

"Come to gloat?" he asked as the girl slowly approached him.

"No," Raya answered, "I came to tell you that Sansa is in the throne room, pleading for your life right now. She's asking my brother to have mercy, but we both know my brother is being manipulated by my mother."

Ned didn't say anything, so Raya continued to speak.

"I respect you Lord Stark, and I want you to walk out of this disaster alive. I will do everything in my power to make sure that is the case," Raya told him.

Ned looked up at the girl, "You're so much like your father. Fiercely loyal," he chuckled, "That's why he chose Jon Arryn as his hand, and me, instead of Jamie or Tywin."

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