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"I'm marrying Loras?" she asked in disbelief, "But years ago you rejected Olenna Tyrell's proposal, what's changed now?"

Cersei looked at her daughter, her heart stricken with pain. She didn't want to see her first born daughter be sent away. Especially to be sent off to Highgarden to marry Loras Tyrell. 

"Your grandfather wants the Reach and the North," Cersei answered.

Raya's eyebrows lifted, "So he's going to sell me off, just like that?"

"Raya dear-"

"Does Sansa know? Does she know what grandfather has done?" Raya asked.

"Tyrion is telling her right now," Cersei said.

Raya bit her lip and nodded, "Okay."


"I am fine. You have a lot on your plate with a defective king and a missing lover. I will take my leave if you don't mind," she didn't wait for a reply as she headed to the door and left.

She made a direct route to her room and wasn't even surprised when she saw Sansa sitting on her bed. Tearful blue eyes meet Raya's and she swear her heart breaks then.  And she's angry, so angry. At herself, at her mother, at her grandfather, because she's so powerless against them. There's nothing she can do to protect Sansa and she hates herself for it.

And she starts to cry. It's the first time Sansa has seen her cry since her father died. She doesn't care, she cries and cries and it gets to a point where she can't breathe. Sansa wraps her arms around her and Raya grips her dress tightly.

"I'm so sorry Sansa," she mutters, "I'm so sorry."

Sansa strokes her hair trying to soother her, "What is our rule?" Sansa asks sniffling.

"But it is my fault," Raya says, "I couldn't protect you."

Sansa smiled as she tucked a strand of hair behind Raya's ear, "All you have done is try to protect me."

"I clearly haven't done a great job," Raya mumbles.

Sansa looks at her and sighs, "It doesn't matter. I still love you for it."

Raya's eyes widen as she looks at Sansa, "You do?"

Sansa smiles, "Of course I do. I love you for that and so much more, but when it all comes down to it, I love you for being you."

Raya sniffles and begins to cry a little harder, because no one has ever made her feel what Sansa has.

No one has ever made her feel wanted.

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