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RAYA WAS EXHAUSTED. Much of her effort had been put into avoiding Margaery Tyrell and spending time around Sansa Stark. They found themselves alone quite often, now that everyone was fawning over the soon to be queen. Even her mother seemed to have her hands full with hating Margaery.

Sansa, Shae, and Raya sat by the ports coming and going as Sansa told sarcastic stories of their location. It was rather entertaining for Raya, seeing Sansa get so angry and insult the people on the boat that she didn't even know.

"Where do you think that ship is going?" Sansa nudged Raya. She shifted her glance to see a ship that was clearly headed to Dorne.

"Dorne," Raya answered, "Probably delivering my mother's wine so they can teach my little sister to be a drunkard."

"That is rather cynical," Shae muttered from beside her.

"Well the boat is actually going to Dorne," she said shrugging.

"You can't say the right answer Raya," Sansa told her.

She turned so she was facing her, "And why not?"

"Because the truth is either terrible or really boring."

Raya nodded, "I completely agree."

Shae's gaze danced between the two girls, "What is the matter with you two, a few days ago you were both so giggly, now you both look like you need a drink."

"I could use one," Raya mumbled, causing Sansa to look at her and laugh. Raya watched as Sansa laughed and couldn't help but to smile. Sansa's laugh had to be her favorite sound in the entire world.

"It is a lovely day for it," a new voice said. Raya frowned as she saw Littlefinger making his way toward them.

"Watching the ships," he said leering at Sansa.

"Hello, Lord Baelish," Sansa greeted. She seemed rather uncomfortable at the man's presence and Raya wished she knew why.

"Might I speak with Lady Sansa alone for a moment," he requested. Raya raised an eyebrow and was about to say something when Shae physically grabbed her and pulled her away.

"Hey!" Raya said when they were a good distance away.

"You need to calm down," she told her.

Raya dropped her head, "I didn't like the way he was looking at Sansa."

"Neither did I," Shae told her.

They stood in silence, watching Littlefinger's every move around Sansa.

"You're her handmaiden?" Raya and Shae both turned to see the girl that was walking with Lord Baelish. Raya wondered if she was one of his whores. She certainly could pass as one.

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