Chapter 17.

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We stepped outside, relaxing my muscles instantly. The warm sun made me feel more at home now, I had really missed it.

The sound of children's laughter filled the air, transmiting their happiness to me. I looked at Laura, who was looking ahead with an 'Oh no' look. I looked and saw a blonde girl with a perfect tan and almost my height coming towards us. Why is she coming to my house? Should I know her or something?

"Hey Laura," she smiled, her perfect white teeth shined. Who is she? "Is Keaton here?"

"Hey Tracie, yeah, he's inside." Laura said, I could feel the nervous in her voice. I looked at the girl with different eyes now, she's the girlfriend of the boy I can't stop thinking about. My heart fell down, again, my stomach started moving around. "This is Isabella, the friend I was telling you about."

I looked at Laura, she's been talking about me with her? What the hell did she say? If she said that I had feelings towards Keaton I swear I'll hit her.

"Oh, it's nice to finally meet you. Welcome home." she smiled warmly.

I faintly smiled, "Thanks." 

"Well girls, see you later." her voice chimed as she went inside. I'm not sure how to feel, I feel hatred towards her but I don't want to cause she looks like a really nice person.

"That's Tracie, huh?" I faintly said.

"Yeah, at least you've met her now." Laura said grabbing my hand, as we started walking to the beach.

"She looks so nice and... perfect." I said, still in shock.

"She's really nice," she assured me.

"God, it makes me sick." 

Laura looked at me weird, "Why? You don't know her."

"No, it's cause it makes me feel weird cause she's with Keaton and you know... I had feelings towards him. I don't know, I feel weird." I explained.

"You had or you have?"

"I had, I had. I think," my mind was so messed up right now, I don't know anything right now. "I don't know."

"Isabella, you have to think about it. I know you were crazy for Keaton, hell you wrote a song about him, which you still have to show me."

"I finished it," I smiled.

She laughed, "Look I think that if you still have feelings towards him, just tell him. He's your friend and he won't hate you. But if you don't have feelings then just get over the jealousy, it's not healthy."

"I'll think about it." I said, finishing that topic. I didn't really wanted to talk about that right now, I just got here and the last thing I wanna do is cry.

We passed an hour walking on the shore and talking. I told her the whole Cathy problem and she agreed with me, she would never do that to me as I would never do that to her. Laura and I are like Patrick and Spongebob, unseperable. We seriously would never do anything to hurt eachother, and if we did, we'd instantly feel bad and go say sorry. I can't imagine my life with out her.

We went back to my house just at lunch time, everyone was grabbing their plates of hamburgers, made by the chefs, Andy and Wes. Drew was just standing next to them pretending to do stuff. I felt relief when I didn't see Keaton nor Tracie around, I didn't wanted to think about them right now.

"Yo, Drew, pass me a burger." I said as we joined them.

"Here you go, girl." he smiled giving me a plate.

"When you gonna tell me about Luke?" Drew asked sitting between me and Laura. Laura laughed and punched his arm.

"What do you wanna know?" I asked laughing.

"Well... you can tell me from the begining." he smiled.

I told him everything, from the random moment when he talked to me to the fight. I feel like I can trust Drew, he always sends me good vibes. He looked surprised when I told him that I got punched cause I stood up for Cathy. I don't blame him, I'm usually the quiet one.

"Aren't you a badass." he laughed.

"A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." I laughed as I took a bite from my burger.

"I just hope you didn't hurt yourself too much."

"Well, it's okay now, but when he hit me it felt horrible." I said rubbing my chin.

Everyone was outside eating and talking, everyone having fun. Including me. I looked around and noticed that Tracie and Keaton weren't here, with the rest of people. Wes probably noticed too that his baby brother wasn't here, "Hey, where's Keaton? He's usually the first one here when it comes to burgers."

Drew and I looked around, "Don't know man. He's probably with Tracie." Drew said.

"He better come before the burgers finish." Wes said, grabbing another burger.

"Hey, Isabella." said Isa sitting infront of me. 


"Laura and I were planning to hang out with you tomorrow, you're coming right?"

"Sure, sounds fun. Where are we gonna go?" I smiled. I really wanted to hang out with just girls, so I wouldn't have to worry about stuff.

"We were thinking Irvine Spectrum."

My heart jumped, Luke lives near there, "I love Irvine."

Sorry this chapter took so long and it's so short and suckish. I just had my last tests before spring break. Please don't forget to comment and vote :) love you guys ♥

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