Chapter 19.

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"Honey that was incredible," my mom hugged Andy when he got back.

I smiled at how proud she felt from this little performance. He really is a good singer and he deserves to have a shot in the music industry. I hope one day in one of these small 'gigs' someone says this guy is really good.

"Good job bro," I smiled.

"Don't think I've forgotten what you just did."

"Hey, you did the same thing to me so shut up."

We all sat down around the table driking our coca colas, my parents their morning coffee. This felt good. Being with my family, not arguing, and with my friends just hanging out you can say.

"So, what are you girls going to do today?" my mom asked after a little while.

I was going to speak up but Laura started talking first, "We're going to walk around Irvine and just have a girl's day out. We haven't been together in the whole summer so it's gonna be fun."

"Okay, have fun. Call me when you guys get there, okay?"

I rolled my eyes, "Okay mother."

"Oh yeah, has Andy told you about the dinner we have tomorrow?" my dad asked after taking a sip of his dark coffee.

I looked at him confused, "No... why? Whats going on tomorrow?"

"We have dinner with a friend, okay? So you have to be home."

I still felt confused, what friend? My parents aren't very social so they don't have that many amount of friends. The only relevant friends are Bob and Tess, my mom's best friend since middle school but she lives in Arizona. "Yeah, I'll be home."

My parents went to talk to Bob and left us at the table. It was a funny view actually, my friends and I were talking and Andy was with his phone playing flappy bird.

"Who's coming?" I asked so he would stop playing that damn game. I also felt a bit of curiousity, my parents appearently have become more social now.

"Oh, well, Loraine with her sons." he shrugged his shoulders.

My eyes passed from kinda sleepy to WTF?! "What? When have they've met and how?"

"My car broke down when I was at Wes' house so I had to call mom so she could pick me up. When she came Loraine started talking to her and invited her inside. One thing went to another and they started going out to coffees." he explained.

"Okay... so who exactly is coming tomorrow?"

"Loraine, Wes and Keaton. Drew couldn't make it."

"Okay, cool." I smiled. I actually want tomorrow to come, I want things between Keaton and me to be okay already and tomorrow we have all the time in the world to talk.

The girls and I were having such an awesome day at Irvine, we're three weirdos. We are three proud weirdos. We bought some blue cotton candy and skipped around Irive Spectrum like little girls some people would look at us but we couldn't care less. But everything changed when we went to the cafeteria to have luch.

It was really full, like every saturday. Isabella and I searched for a table while Laura went for our food. Chipotle, of course. We found a perfect table, kinda in the middle of everything but who cares.

Isabella and I sat down and chatted for a while until she made a comment that made me feel really nervous, "There's some boy two tables to the right that doesn't stop looking at you."

"Who?" I wondered. I hope it's not someone from my class, they might start picking on me here and I don't want that.

"Do like if you're stretching and turn." she instructed me.

I nodded and slowly stretched to my right, just a girl casually stretching cause my arms hurt. I looked carefully to that table and my eyes widened like plates when I saw who it was. "Oh my God." I whispered nervously.

"Who is it?" she whispered.

I only know one guy that wears his blond hair like that, "It's Luke."

"That guy you met?" she asked surprised.

"Shit, I forgot he lived here." I looked again and saw him with three other guys. One of them had kinda short dark hair and the other two had longer hair, like Justin Bieber, but not very fixed up. He turned and saw and I quickly turned back, "Shit, he saw me looking at me."

Isabella started laughing, "But go say hi. If you don't go I will." She looked at him, "He's pretty cute."

"I know," I sighed.

"Did anyone order Chipotle?" Laura said bringing the tray.

"Bella's Luke is here," Isabella smiled.

Laura's eyes widened as did her smile, "Where?! I wanna see him!" she shouted.

I blushed and pulled her to her chair, "Shut up!"

"Sorry," she laughed moving around in her seat. "Who is it?"

"It's the blond guy to your right." I signaled

She didn't think twice and looked that way, "Oh, he's hot. Girl, if you don't go say hi I will."

I laughed, "You two say the same thing. Let me remind you that you guys have boyfriends."

"You're right, but I can still say he's hot." Laura smiled.

Isabella's eyes widened, "Umm... Bella?"

"Yeah?" I asked as I took a bit of my chicken.

"He's coming." she said.

I felt blood rush to my face as I quickly swallowed the chicken, fuck...

"Isabella?" I heard the familiar voice say behind me.

I turned to him and acted surprised to see him when I was actually dieing inside, "Luke? Oh my God, what are you doing here?" I asked looking up to his huge figure

He smiled, "I'm here with my band mates. What are you doing here?"

"Umm... I'm here with some friends." I heard Laura clear her throat, "Oh yeah, this is Laura and that's Isabella."

"Hi I'm Luke." He waved shyly, he's so cute.

"We know, she doesn't stop talking about you." Laura smiled. I widened my eyes and looked at her, blushing extremly hard. What the hell?!

He chuckled and kind of blushed too, "We should hang out some day. We need to catch up." he bit his lip, next to his piercing. Oh God...

"Yeah, I'd love that. Tell me the day and I'll be there." I smiled

"I'm having a party at my house in three days," Isabella said grinning.

"Oh, you should come." I said.

"I thought you didn't like parties," he wondered.

"I don't but I'll have fun with you," I tried to flirt.

He grinned, "Okay, I'll go."

"Cool, I'll text you the adress." I felt some happiness go through my body.

"Cool. Well, I gotta go. Those boys are gonna eat my food if I don't go back."

"Oh, Okay" I smiled. I seriously can't stop smiling.

"See you in three days," he grinned turning around.

Holy shit, I already want it to be the party. I wanna get to know Luke better, it's gonna be awesome.

Hi guys! Thanks for waiting!! I'm really sorry as I said I had finals and I had to study a lot.

Please vote, comment and share. Love you all!! ♥♥♥

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