Chapter 18.

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It feels as if I've been trapped in a dark hall, running, trying to seek the light. Trying to save my life. And, suddenly, I found it. The light took the darkness far away, taking with it the pain and sadness that used to fill my soul. My eyes opened to what life really was, opening a whole new world.

The light took my hand and showed me all the good things that existed in life, showed me how to live. But, when the light would have to leave me, I would feel lost and I wouldn't know how to get by anymore. Slowly, the darkness would try to reach me again, but I learned how to keep it far, for a while.

That's how I felt, this is how I feel towards him. He came into my life, and I didn't know I was waiting for him. He showed me that everything was going to be okay, he taught me to trust others. He took me places I had never seen, he showed me a feeling I had never felt. But, he then disappeared, making me feel lost and sorrow. Everything I had been waiting for had left with him. He's the only person that has seen my extremely sad and extremely happy side. The pain of him not next to me would fill me each second I sat around seeing life go on.

But I have to move on, he's found someone better and for sure he doesn't want to come back to a broken girl. He found another light, one as bright as him. He belongs with the light, not the darkness. As the darkness takes me back I watch him leave, with out looking back.

I stood infront of my house saying bye to the wonderful people that came to see me. Everyone looked so happy. I felt someone stand next to me and my heart started beating harder, I turned and saw Keaton. 

"See you another day Isabella," he smiled, making him outstand from everyone else.

"See ya later Keaton," I tried to smile, but he knows me too well to see that something was wrong.

"Are you okay? You know you can tell me anything." he said putting a hand on my shoulder.

My heart was tired of keeping everything inside and it knows that he's the only one that can help me. The tears that had been kept in for such a long time started building up in my eyes. I shook my head, "I'm not okay." I sighed.

He stopped smiling and pulled me into a hard hug. His touch felt so good, I had missed it. I cried in his shoulder, letting all the feelings come out for once and all. "You know I'm always here, right? I promised that I would be there, remember?"

I nodded and pulled away, cleaning my tears, "I really missed everything, that's all. And all of this made me realize that I have a wonderful life."

"I missed you too," he smiled. "Hey, I need to know something."


"Have you forgiven me?" he asked scratching the back of his neck.

"Of course I have," I smiled and went in for another hug. "I could never stay mad at you."

He beared hugged me, "I'm glad to hear that."

"Keaton, you ready babe?" I heard Tracie say.

We stopped hugging, "I have to go." he smiled.

"Yeah, Tracie is waiting for you." that jealousy stayed in the pit of my stomach.

"Yeah, well, see you later."

 He turned and walked away with Tracie, hand in hand. It reminded me of the time we walked together from that park, it felt special. I looked down, not being able to keep on seeing them. I definitely still do have feelings towards him. 

I woke up with a huge smile on my face, it's the first time I'm happy to see the four walls of my room. I'm thankful of what I have, there's people around the world that don't have the same luck that I have and live in an inhuman way. My mom always tells me and my brother to thank what we have and always think in those that don't have much, and she made us promise that if one day we have money and we don't know what to do with it, to think in them and go and give them money, personally. We have all seen that the governments usually stay with that money and it never gets to those that really need it. I promise to do that, even if it's just ten bucks, it makes a change.

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