Prologue / The Beginning

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As soon as my bedroom door was slammed open, I knew I was in trouble.

This was going to worse than anything i'd ever experienced - worse then that five weeks of detention I got that one time when I accidentally managed to kick a hole in the ceiling at school.

"Y/n, why is there a large fraction of the special cake for tonight's party missing?!" My mother yelled.

"It was an accident, I didn't mean to-" I started, but was quickly cut off.

"An accident?! How can you accidentally eat that much of a very important and large cake?!" My mother stopped, sighing loudly. "You know what? You're grounded. You're not allowed at the party that I'm hosting tonight and now you have to help me find a new cake before the party starts."

I frowned guiltily. "Sorry mum. I promise I'll help you find and even bigger and better cake, just you wait!"

This was me. In my life. My name is Y/n Park and I'm a childish person, I must admit, and I have quite the sweet tooth. My mother is a very rich woman, she owns a major art supplies brand and is well known for throwing significantly popular parties.

She is a divorced woman, and I am her only child. She takes pride in her art collection, more so than me in my opinion, but she really does care for me a lot. I'm just not very good at anything.

I smiled fondly over at the woman before me as she handed over some money for me to go into town and buy a new cake.

"What's that look for now, missy?" She asked, smiling as she patted my hair. "Come on now, be quick." She said, ushering me towards the front door.

I opened the door, walking out and bidding farewell to my mother.

The bakery I was heading to was not far, so I was walking to it. It was my mothers favourite bakery as well as my own, and it specialised in sweets. When I arrived at the small but well-known shop, the baker greeted me joyfully.

"Y/n! My favourite customer. It's been a while, where have you been?" He asked politely.

"Sorry, Mr. Kim I've been studying and haven't had time to visit. Any new treats you'd like me to sample?" I asked, grinning cheekily.

He laughed. "Of course! I've been dying for you to try out this new treat. It's called a Vanilla Rose Cake!" He replied, handing a small cupcake over the counter to me.

I gratefully took the cupcake out if his hand, examining it. It had light pink icing covering it in a style that looked just like rose, and when I took a bite of it, the texture was light and fluffy, and I could tell that the vanilla cake mix he had used was his traditional one. My face lit up upon feeling the perfect texture and tasting the same flavour I had grown to love. But there was something in it I couldn't quite place my finger on, something that seemed to put this whole cake together.

I pondered it for a moment, studying the cake as it sat comfortably in my grip.

"Mr Kim," I spoke up after a while. "Did you put rose water in the icing?"

His face lit up instantly. "I did! Does it taste alright?" He asked.

I grinned at him warmly. "It's perfect! You used just the right amount of rose water and it mixes so well with the vanilla flavour!"

"Aah, I knew you'd like it!" He cheered.

Every week, Mr. Kim comes up with a new sweet and always lets me try it before he sells it. He is a very kind man and works really hard for his bakery, which earned him the success that he deserves.

A sudden thought quickly brang me back to reality.

"Mr. Kim, I need a new cake for tonight, do you think you could have one ready by six tonight. Do you think you could to that? I accidentally ate a lot of the cake my mum had bought yesterday..." I trailed off, frowning.

Mr. Kim laughed. "I knew this would happen, it always does. Luckily for you I prepared one earlier because one of the maids had seen you eating it yesterday and called me!"

"One of the maids saw me? And they didn't even say anything to stop me..."

"Theres no point in trying to stop you when it comes to sweets, Y/n."

I smiled lightly. "You're right. Thank you so much for doing this for us, Mr. Kim."

"It's no problem. I'll have it delivered at five-thirty, so no eating it when it arrives!"

I gave him the money before walking out of the bakery.

Whilst I was walking back home, I heard my name called.

"Hey Y/n, you know your mums party tonight?" A girl by the name of Sarah asked.

I didn't like Sarah that much, but she and her family were coming to the party so I had to at least act nice, which was difficult for me as she had the tendency to be very annoying and rude. All of the time.

"Yeah, what about it?" I replied, smiling at her.

"Is it true that Jungkook from BTS will be there? I need to know so I can look extra good tonight."

Jungkook? Who the hell is Jungkook?

"I'm afraid to say that I don't know, sorry. I hope you enjoy the party." I smile lightly before turning back around and walking back up towards my house.

She had mentioned something about BTS, which was a popular band but I had never looked into it. This guy probably wouldn't be coming because mum doesn't look into music, she invites people that run businesses.

And anyway, first of all, I'm not even allowed at the party anymore, and second of all, what importance will this guy be to me? I'm sure he's not going to play a valid role in my future.

I mean, this Jungkook is just another guy, right?"

Hello everybody! Welcome to my fanfiction!
I hope this doesn't suck, and I apologise that Jungkook is only merely spoken of so far.
I am always open to any ideas to use in later chapters, and love feedback.
Also I apologise for any spelling errors and would appreciate if you could point them out. I'm quite tired at the moment and its late :(

Edit: wow I'm reading this back and the ending was really cheesy haha whoops

I would really appreciate it if you could vote and comment!

Thank you~

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