13) An Old Friend

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Jungkook stepped down the stairs, still in deep thought after his conversation with Jimin and Namjoon. He stepped into the living room, looking for Y/n, but she wasn't there.

"Hyung, where's Y/n?" He asked Jin, who was sitting in the couch and flicking through channels.

"She went out for ice cream with Tae and Hoseok." He replied. "Have you finished packing yet? We're leaving to tomorrow for the awards show in HongKong."

"No. I'm going to go get ice cream with them."

"Jungkookie, you can't. You need to finish packing before you can go out and Tae and Hoseok have already left." Jin replied, looking up at the younger boy from his seat.

"But Tae and Hoseok get to go! Why can't I?" He argued, frowning.

"They finished packing yesterday. If you want ice cream that bad I'll go get some tonight, okay?"

Jungkook didn't say anything, instead walking back to his room.


"Hmm... I'll have... (Favourite icecream flavour)!" Y/n decided after a long process of thinking.

Hoseok chuckled, before leading me to a table where Tae was already half way through his chocolate icecream. It was peaceful; fluffy white clouds glided slowly across the blue sky as a slight breeze swept through.

"Y/n?" Tae spoke up, and the girl looked at him quizzically. "Someone over there is waving at you."

Y/n looked up, seeing a male figure rapidly waving his arm in the air towards the groups table. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, watching as the person, wearing a mask, sunglasses and a cap just like what Hoseok and Tae were wearing, jogged over.

He reached the table, pulling his mask down and smiling brightly.

"Y/n!" He greeted.

Y/n's eyes widened upon hearing the familiar voice. "Minhyuk?" She questioned, squinting her eyes as she tried to peer into the eyes behind the dark glasses. He chuckled lightly, taking the glasses off and nodding.

"Mind if I have a seat?" He asked, pointing to the spare chair across from Y/n and next to Hoseok.

Y/n looked to the to boys, as if asking permission. They both shrugged, pretending not to care.

"I'm Minhyuk. I went to school with Y/n and am now an actor. Its nice to meet you." He introduced himself politely to Taehyung and Hoseok.

The two boys gave Y/n a questioning, wondering if they could trust him with their identities.

"He's kinda in the same situation as you," she started. "He's a popular actor."

Hoseok nodded, silently and solemnly before taking his glasses off. Taehyung followed suit, placing his own glasses down on the table.

"I'm Hoseok." Hoseok introduced himself stiffly,

"Tae." The younger boy muttered, as if he could care less.

Y/n gave the two a concerned look. "Are you two okay? You seem kind of-"

"We're fine." Taehyung replied, not sparing her a glance as his eyes drilled into the newcomer.

"Aren't you guys idols? Wow, Y/n, you always know the coolest people." Minhyuk cracked a smile at Y/n.

"Don't suppose you finally got a boyfriend?" The new boy asked, winking playfully at the girl. "Maybe one of you is the lucky guy." He smiled teasingly at Tae and Hoseok, but his bright smile died down at the lack of reply and the tense atmosphere surrounding the other boys.

Y/n chuckled nervously, sensing the tension. "Nah, they're not my type."

Tae broke his stern look, suddenly pouting at the girl. "What do you mean not your type? I'm everyone's type."

Hoseok jumped into the conversation as well. "If neither of us is your type, then who in Bangtan is? There's gotta be someone in Bangtan who fits your standards." He said, grinning as the girls cheeks flushed.

"I don't know..." She mumbled, waving her hands as if gesturing them to back off.

"Aw, come on." Taehyung pushed slightly, smirking as the girl continuously tried to wave him off. "Please?"

He looked at her, trying look cute. She narrowed his eyes at him, and looked to Hoseok who was pulling the same face.

"Fine." She gave in, sighing. "It's probably..."

Tae and Hoseok leaned closer, smiles appearing on their faces. Minhyuk listened intently from where we was sitting, watching the scene unfold.

Y/n was trying think of who it would be. She loved everyone in Bangtan, but one of the boys as her type? She didn't know who it would be.

Well, she did have one person in mind...


"Yoongi? I wasn't expecting that..." Hoseok mumbled, and Taehyung hummed in agreement.

"How come?" Tae asked, staring intently at the girl before him.

"He's the most quiet."

The two boys pouted. "We aren't that loud." Hobi said.

Y/n chuckled. "Yes you are."

"Hello?" Minhyuk piped in, feeling somewhat left out from the conversation. "I'm still here."

"Right, sorry."


Okay so I finally got the chapter out! It wouldn't have taken so long but school work got in the way and I had to focus on that.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and the new character Minhyuk who will definitely become more involved in the story.

I'd really appreciate it if you voted and commented, it really makes me so happy when you guys do that, and I actually reached over 80 votes recently and just - wowwwww thank you guys so much

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