3) Sausage Donkey

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Throughout the entire session, I could feel a pair of eyes boring into me. I didn't look at them - I refused to.

Taehyung nudged me slightly, whispering into my ear. "Looks like someone can't take their eyes off you." He muttered teasingly.

"Shut up!" I elbowed him lightly, giving him a playful glare.

"Cmon, just look at him... Just one glance." He muttered teasingly.

"I'm good thanks." I replied, pouting at the older male.

"Hey, Y/n! Come sit over here with me!" An unfamiliar voice called from the other side of the table.

I looked up to meet a pair of cheery eyes looking over towards me."

I worriedly looked over to Taehyung.

I had forgotten his name.

Tae chuckled lowly before whispering, "Hoseok."

I gave him a small smile and a brief nod before looking back over to the boy who was now vigorously beckoning me over. I stood up and nervously walked over to him, and he cleared a seat between him a Jungkook for me.

I frowned at Jungkook who pretended to be too busy drawing to notice me, but agreed to Hoseoks offer so I wouldn't be rude.

"Hello." I smiled shyly. "You're Hoseok?"

His grin grew. "Ah, you're so cute!"

I felt myself blush from embarrassment.

"Yep, I'm Hoseok. Tae told you, right?" He asked.

I nodded.

"You get along well with Tae. Did you know him before this?"
"Nah, I met him in the lobby actually. I guess we kind of hit it off." I felt myself grin.

Hoseok gasped dramatically. "Do you like him?"

"What? N-"

"Would you two shut up? I'm trying to concentrate on... Drawing!" Jungkook suddenly snapped.

The other boys were trying hard to contain their laughter at the boys defiance.

"Well, I'm sorry Mister Grouchy but we're simply trying to have a pleasant conversation." I replied confidently.

"Maybe if you were more aware of the others around you, people would actually like you."

"I seem to be getting along well with at least two of the members already, so I don't know what you're talking about."

"You really enjoy having them wrapped around your little finger, don't you?"

During this whole feud, Jimin had managed to find himself on the floor in laughter, another boy - I believe his name was Jin - was laughing very loudly and another one whom I forgot the name of was smacking his hand on the table, causing an empty pencil pot to be banged up and down on the table.

I laughed out loud. "Having them wrapped around my finger? Wow, you almost sound jealous. Jealous that they have the ability of actually being decent human beings, something that you will never have."

He stared at me, anger and frustration flaring in his eyes.

I gave him one last glance. "Now, if you don't mind me, I'll be taking my leave." I said, pushing my designs into the middle of the table, before saying goodbye to Hoseok, Jimin and Tae.

"Y/n, wait." Taehyung said.

I turned around around and looked at him, a questioning look upon my face.

"Give us all your phone number so we can contact you. It'll be cool if we could hang out with you more." He smiled.

"Oh, sure." I said, taking a bit of paper and writing my number on it, letting Tae copy it down into his phone before he passed it across the table to Hoseok.


A ding from my phone signified a text message.

All cooled off yet?

O btw it's Tae

he's so annoying i swear

I take it that you're still angry? Jungkooks pretty mad at it too, he never usually this pissed lmao

I was being a bit of a female dog though

female dog?

I prefer not to swear

but it gives him no right to be such a sausage donkey

'sausage donkey'

is that supposed to be dick-ass


I'm gonna steal that from you

I'm trying to rant over here :(

I don't want to hear you rant :( how about you talk about good stuff instead?

what good stuff? Lmao the world is in hell right now. America has a literal Cheeto for a president


i made cookies yesterday though

you like cooking?

baking. I like baking

can I try a cookie?



I ate them all


I gtg, talk later?


I placed my phone down, sighing with a relaxed smile on my face.

I had made an actual friend.

Hello! Sorry for the shortish chapter, I wasn't sure what to write :')
And another sorry for the slow update I have had a bit of writers block.

Please vote and comment, I really appreciate it when you do

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