16) A Small Handful of Friends

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"Isn't she pretty?" Min-Hyuk asked quietly, standing next to the younger boy who's gaze was fixed on Mario Kart champion Y/n, who hadn't lost a single game yet and was now going head to head with the other best player, Jin, for the first time.

"W-what?" Jungkook stuttered, blushing as he anxiously scanned the room to see if any others had heard what the actor said.

Min-hyuk only narrowed his eyes at Jungkooks reply. "How about we take this to the kitchen?"

Jungkook visibly gulped, but followed the other boy who now mostly knew his way around the first floor of the house.

When they arrived, Min-Hyuk swiftly turned around to face the boy again. "You didn't answer my last question. Don't you think she's pretty?" He asked, an innocent looked planted over his face.

"W-well, she doesn't look b-bad." The younger spluttered nervously, trying his very best to sound normal.

Min-hyuk sighed, glaring harshly at the boy before him. "Cut the shit, Jungkook. I know you like her."

Jungkook widened his eyes at the other boys sudden change in mood, and the fact that he was right.

"I-" he started to say, but was interrupted almost immediately.

"Back off, she's mine. I didn't think I'd be having to warn anyone before Yoongi, but apparently so."

"Yoongi?" Jungkook questioned, his nervousness turning into confusion.

Min-Hyuk sighed. "Yes, Mister 'Ideal Type' is taking all the love."

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, suddenly fearing the possible answer.

"I mean, Min Yoongi is Y/n's ideal type. I swear to god, you're making me lose brain cells."

Jungkook face dropped at what Min-Hyuk had said.

'But I shouldn't be surprised, really.'  Jungkook thought to himself.

'I'm just Jungkook, and she could like any one of my hyungs. Why would I ever think I had a chance? I'm the baby of the group. Of course she would want someone more mature, like Yoongi hyung.'

A new voice piped in, interrupting Jungkooks thoughts. "I'd prefer it if you didn't talk to the other members like that."

"And I'd prefer it if you didn't force yourself into conversations you aren't a part of." Min-Hyuk replied sassily.

"I heard my name, so clearly I must be a part of your conversation." Yoongi just stared at the boy, as if daring him to challenge him again.

Min-hyuk knew what the boy was doing, and decided to give up. "Fine then, I've been wanting to talk to you anyway."

"Then talk to me." Yoongi said plainly.

Jungkook stepped over to his hyung, standing by his side as he didn't want to be near the actor.

"I'd like it if you stayed away from Y/n." Min-hyuk replied, his tone threatening.

"Why?" Yoongi asked, testing the boy. "Am I setting a bad influence on her?"

"You know exactly why." Min-hyuk stepped forward, looming over Yoongi.

Yoongi coughed awkwardly. "Actually, I don't have a clue. It would be wonderful if you could explain it, though."

Min-hyuk sighed. "For god's sake, I can't believe I have to keep saying things that torture me each and every day. She likes you, okay?! She said so herself, even if she keeps denying it." He said sadly.

"Oh. I'm flattered." Yoongi replied monotonously, barely batting and eyelid at the taller boy, which only sent him into more of a mental breakdown.

"You're flattered?! That's all you have to say?! YOU HAVE THE GIRL OF MY DREAMS CHASING AFTER YOU, AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS THAT YOU'RE FLATTERED?!" Min-hyuk yelled out, tears pricking at his eyes. The commotion could be well heard from the living room where everyone else was, and Y/n assured them that she could handle the situation.

Yoongi just shrugged, and Jungkook was looking between the two, a mix of confusion and fear settling in his eyes.

Confusion, because he didn't understand Yoongi's reaction to finding out that one of his friends liked him.

Fear, because he was sure that at any moment, Min-hyuk was going to punch Yoongi.

"For shit sake Min-hyuk,"

All heads turned towards the door, were a girl with a deadly glare stood.

"For the last time, I am not your fucking possession you asshat."

Y/n looked over to Yoongi and Jungkook, her expression softening. "Okay, first of all, I don't fucking like Yoongi. I told Hoseok and Tae that to get them to stop bugging me about it. Second, I'm really, really, really sorry about my fuckface of a friend. He doesn't seem to know when to stop."

"I'm sorry Y/n-"

"Save your apologies, I'm done with you. You always do this and you never learn."

"Done with me? Man, you're gonna be really lonely with myself and the boys gone."

Shit. He's right.

"W-what? No I won't!"

"Sure you won't." He smirked, propping and arm up against the counter as he stared me down.

"Hey! I have plenty of friends!" I retorted, causing him to chuckle.

"Yep, all of those friends from high school, right? I bet you hang out with Eunji all the time." He replied, and I glared at him.

"Don't even talk about Eunji I swear to god-"

"See! We're your only friends." He said cheerily, smiling brightly.

"I hate you." I replied, frowning. "You better treat me to bubble tea."

"Oh, Jungkook and Yoongi?" She added, turning to them. They both looked up at her, smiling slightly. "Once again I'm really sorry. When you guys get back I'll treat you mini gold or an amusement park or something."

"No, you don't have-" Jungkook started, but was interrupted by Yoongi.

"That'd be great." He smiled, nudging the younger boy beside him slightly.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long, I had the chapter ready about a week ago but a huge chunk of it deleted and I lost all motivation to complete it.

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