9) My Fault.

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Everyone was anxiously waiting for Namjoon to arrive - they knew he would be willing to quit as well, but they wanted to hear what Bang PD said on the matter.

Everyone rushed to him when he walked into the room.

"What did he say, hyung?" Jungkook asked.

Namjoon sighed. "I told him that he needs to let us make our own choices if he wants us back."

"You think it'll work? Do you think he'll let us make our own choices? Do you think he'll let us hang out with Y/n?" Taehyung asked, Rambling nervously as he gave Namjoon a hopeful look.

Namjoon bit his lip. "We can only hope. Otherwise, our dreams are screwed."

The group looked down to the ground, looking somewhat depressed as no one spoke.

I awkwardly stood there - I mean, what was I supposed to do? Theres a chance of their dreams getting crushed because I convinced Hobi to give me a piggy-back. And Hobi is blaming it on himself. When it's my fault.

I feel like utter shit - so you know what the best thing to do is when your about to flood the entire room with tears threatening to leak from your eyes? Go on your phone, and distract yourself with social media.

I unlocked my phone, immediately clicking on Instagram.

But as soon as I opened it, I was met with thousands of notifications - comments and direct messages.

I should have known this was coming; I'm an idiot for not knowing.

My latest post, posted a few days ago, was filled with comments. All hateful messages that made me want to break my phone then and there.

'Hobi is mine! Get away from him you bitch!'


'Go die, asshole.'

'She thinks she can just walk in and take them from us? She's not even pretty.'

'I can't believe this... No one, in or out of BTS, would want to date that.'

'I'll kill you if you touch them!'

I gripped my phone tightly as my emotions became to overwhelming for me to hold in. The whole situation was my fault. These boys were losing their dreams because of me. Their possessive fans were sending me death threats. And it's all my fault.

"Y/n?" A faint voice called out to me. I dared not look up.

Footsteps came closer to me as I was embraced in a warm hug. "Are you okay? Shh, don't cry, princess, don't cry."

"It's my fault..." I managed to mumble I pout in between sobs.

"No, it's not your fault. We've all been a little careless here, but we have the situation under control. No one is to blame." Jin replied in a sweet, calming voice as he rubbed my back soothingly.

We had caught the other members attention as I heard multiple footsteps coming towards me. I was smothered in a big group hug, as my tears dampened Jins sweater.

Jeon Jungkook is a Jerk || J.JK (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now