12) Jealousy Makes Us Realise Things

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(Third person point of view)

"What are we going to do?" Namjoon groaned,holding his head in his hands. He was sitting in the dark living room alone.

A figure dropped onto the couch beside him. "What's up?" Y/n asked, looking worriedly over at the male.

He sighed. "It's nothing, don't worry."

"Is it... About the whole quitting thing?"

"Yeah. I expected Bang PD to have called us and given in to the threat by now, but he hasn't even contacted us since it happened. What if we've really lost our group?"

Y/n frowned, averting her gaze from him. "I'm sorry." She mumbled, biting her lip.

Namjoon chuckled. "Don't be sorry, we brought this upon our selves. None of it's your fault."


"Don't worry about us. As long as we've got people like you hanging around with us, we're happy."

Y/n smiled, resting her head against the back of the couch.

"Y/n!" A voice called out, and the girl was met with a tangle of limbs.

"Yah, Taehyung, you're crushing me." She said, attempting to separate her head from his chest.

Taehyung pouted. "I just want a hug."

"Then at least let me stand up first!" She huffed in reply.

Tae smiled brightly before backing away, and Y/n stood up before wrappings her arms around the older boys torso. After a few moments, she pulled away but his strong arms reached up and held her so she couldn't move.

"Tae!" She yelled, reaching a hand up and hitting him lightly on the head before pulling away. They could hear Namjoon chuckling at the scene.

"You're so warm and cuddly, though!" He whined, clutching onto the girls arm.

"You know, someone might think you're dating." A cold voice said from the doorway.

Tae looked over Y/n's shoulder at the Jungkook. "So? Would it matter if we were?"

"Yah, Tae!" The girl said, smacking at Taehyung's arm.

Jungkook glared lightly, and Taehyung could barely hide his teasing smirk. "What's the matter Kookie? Are you jealous?"

(Jungkooks point of view)

"What's the matter Kookie? Are you jealous?"

I slammed my bedroom door behind me, throwing myself onto my unmade bed, Taehyung's taunting voice mocking me through my head.

My blood was boiling, as millions of thoughts rushed through my head.

'Jealous? I'm not jealous. Why would I be?' I thought.

I heard a knock on the door, and I turned my head towards it.

"What?" I called crossly.

The door opened slightly and Jimin and Namjoon poked their heads in slightly, before stepping into my room and quietly shutting the door behind them.

"Everything okay?" Jimin asked.

I just groaned in frustration, sitting up.

Namjoon let himself sit on my desk chair, swivelling around a little bit before smiling gently, and Jimin sat next to me.

"What's up?" Namjoon asked.

"Hyung..." I murmured. "How do I know if I'm jealous?"

He chuckled lightly, spinning himself slightly in the chair. "You're jealous if whatever it is that could be making you jealous is making you feel cross. Say someone became close with the person you like. Seeing them together will make you angry."

I stayed silent for a moment, before Jimin eventually spoke.

"Can someone tell me what happened? I want to help and all, but that's somewhat difficult when i don't even know what's going on." He chuckled lightly, looking to Namjoon who only looked to me.

I sighed lightly, giving into Jimin's expectant gaze.

"I saw Tae and Y/n hugging, and I told them someone might think they were dating. Then Tae asked if I was jealous and started teasing me."

He nodded, smiling slightly.

"But hyung..." I started, looking over at him. "Why would I be jealous?'

He smirked, and Namjoon gave him a knowing smile.

"I thought it would be quite obvious to you," he said, and Namjoon chuckled lightly.

"What?" I questioned, becoming impatient.

"You like her."

"N-no I don't!" I immediately retaliated, and a teasing smile played on his lips.

"Clearly, you do." Namjoon confirmed, grinning widely in amusement.

I glared at the both of them, pouting we met a still silence.

I lost myself in thought, I don't know how long for, but when I made a final decision and zoned back into reality, my two hyungs were mindlessly chatting.

"Namjoon, Jimin..." I started, and their attention immediately came to me.

I was quiet for a moment, still pondering whether I should ask the question posing in my mind.

I mentally shrugged. 'Already gotten this far'

I took a deep breath, meeting my eyes with both of theirs.

"How do I get her to like me back?"


I'm really sorry for not updating sooner and for the shortish chapter, my writers block has been getting really bad recently. Little cliff hanger to keep you guys on edge I guess and because imagining Jungkook talking to his hyungs like that is honestly adorable.

I'd really appreciate if you voted and commented, as it makes me sooooo happy <3

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