Kup's Cup 2

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Dear Addy,
I'm pretty old I'll tell you that. It was definitely a simpler time back then. Of course I'll tell ya a story! Back in my day, I was with a good ol friend of mine, probably dead by now, and we were just mindin our own business gettin some high grade n stuff. We were at a nice ol joint with plenty of femmes n even more high grade, we had our fun. I met a smokin femme at this joint. By Primus she was a looker. Ya know what happens next. Oh well, you're old enough to hear it. We were jokin around a lot, got ourselves a room, had some good ol fun but then she pulled out a weapon and pointed it at me saying she was with the Cons. I was terrified but I knew what to do. I called up my buddy who was hittin up another femme sayin I was in big trouble. I fought off this femme Con n managed to pin her to the wall just as my buddy came in. We got rid of her eventually. It was quite an exciting night. All while Prime just became a Prime. You know Addy I saw 2 girls, 1 cup thanks to you and now I can't unsee it. You darn wipper snappers. See ya soon, Addy!
Kup 🍵

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