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y'all know my ass gotta update cuz game of fucking thrones is back !!!

Kinda a sucky chapter, please excuse errors and make sure you read the A/N at the end loves!!



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  A few days passed by as Reina continued to tease and torture Harry until he was groveling at her feet. He made sure she had an endless supply of honey cakes for whenever she craved them. He would always have a flower in hand for her, plucked from the palace gardens, whenever he arrived for lunch or dinner. He would always snap at anyone who shot her odd looks due to her being a foreigner. He even threatened to behead people when he heard a group of noblewomen talk shit about the foreign princess.

Reina didn't see Jaide after the day they conversed. Reina assumed that Harry simply scared her off, even if he did apologize to her. But apparently, she had left the palace with her father to visit some relatives for a few days. Reina just hoped they could be friends since she seemed to be the only person who was nice to her in the entire palace. Reina was lonely, the only people she had who were nice and actually talked to her kindly were Fredric, Jaide and Harry. With Jaide gone for those few days, Reina would sit alone and read or ride sometimes. She would try to converse with Fredric but the only person he was comfortable talking to the most was Harry. He was somewhat antisocial.

"Why must you be so serious, Fredric?" Reina said to him, while walking by his side.

"Because Princess, I must be stern in order to do my job successfully," he told her in a low voice, hand clasping the hilt of his sword lightly, always on guard.

"You can be stern, and cordial at the same time," she pressed while he led her to her bedchamber.

It was nightfall now and Reina had finished having dinner with the Queen, the Princess, and their ladies. She had never felt so out of place. She wanted nothing more than to have dinner in her bedchamber with Fredric watching over her as company, rather than sitting in a room full of women who despised her for the place she came from and her beauty. She wanted to have dinner with Harry, but he already had a quick dinner and was still busy with the King and The Council. The King was training Harry and often asked him to attend important meetings concerning political matters.

"Is Harry still with his father?" she sighed a little, ignoring Fredric's previous words as she had given up on getting him to converse with her.

"I am not sure, Princess. But I am sure he will be back soon," he assured her before they arrived at her bedchamber.

"Thank you, Fredric," she told him with a smile. He nodded curtly back and stood outside the room, while Reina walked towards the door and swung it open.

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