| XI |

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yes that's right brackets bitch

you're welcome !!

Enjoy da smut and excuse da errors fraaands xx



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   "Take your hand out of my husband's pants now."

  Reina's bright green eyes burnt with a hellish fire lit inside of them. She had arrived just in time to see Rosalie sexually harassing Harry, and she was relieved because she knew if she came later she would assume other things. Reina was so mad she would have had thrown Rosalie into a pit with her dragons in there, if they were here.

   "Make me," Rosalie spat in response, before she was shoved against the wall behind her by Harry himself.

  Reina widened her eyes when Harry had his hand wrapped around Rosalie's throat, jaw clenching and eyes narrowing into slits with anger. Reina moved forwards to pull him back, but she was stopped by Fredric who shook his head with wide eyes. She watched with wide, shocked eyes as Harry growled lowly, tightening his grip on Rosalie's throat, causing her to gasp for breath.

   "Let me go-"

   "What the fuck did you say to my wife?" Harry snarled lowly, the sound of his animalistic tone scaring Reina a little.

   "Harry, let her go, she can't breathe!" Reina spoke firmly and loudly, trying to move again but Fredric held her tight. Fredric was afraid that if he let go of Reina, Harry might hurt her in blinding rage.

"Stay out of this, Reina," Harry hissed in response, his pale eyes glaring at her to stand down, but it only made her angry. "Fredric, take her away."

"Fredric, don't you dare," Reina warned him while Harry tried to interrogate Rosalie but she was slowly suffocating.

   "Rosalie, I'm warning you, speak now or else I'll have you beheaded for laying your hands on the future King," Harry growled angrily, while Rosalie's face grew red, frail hands grabbing his wrists while her terrified blue eyes locked with his.

   "She cannot speak with you choking her like that, for fuck's sake let her go," Reina snapped in frustration, worriedly gazing at Rosalie who was going to pass out from the lack of air. Reina disliked her, but she wasn't going to let Harry choke her to death.

"Fredric, Sebastian, get him off now," she ordered sharply, glaring at them as a warning if they dared to disobey. But fortunately they listened.

They darted forwards and pulled Harry off, Fredric grabbing Harry and securing his arms around him while Sebastian took care of Rosalie. Reina rushed forwards to aid Rosalie, who was gasping loudly as soon as Harry's hands released her. Reina placed a hand on her back, coaxing her and telling her to take deep breaths. Harry, on the other hand, struggled against Fredric, snarling and snapping at him before he was released.

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