*For those who want to be in this story!*

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Helloo people! How are you all doing?

So some people have been wanting to be in a story of mine, but finding that maybe others would like that chance as well, then I decided to do a sort of competition! (Depending on the amount of people who send in their "applications", I may be able to put all of you in, or not)

So for a chance to be in it, please comment below all of the following:

Name: (if you don't want to give away your surname just send me one that you like, or first name even as well if you like a lot a name or something)


Age: (though in the story I might make you younger or older, depending on how I decide to insert you in the story

Physical appearance: (tall/short; hair and eye colour, style of hair and length, any other highlighting trait of your physical appearance)

Hogwarts House: (if you don't know it, you can always go to pottermore to do the quiz! I'm going to base your personality in this story on your house)

Any other personality trait that maybe your hogwarts house want tell me about you:

Likes and dislikes:

Hogwarts subjects that you think you are most likely to like and excel at: (core subjects: defence against the dark arts, potions, transfiguration, charms, astronomy, herbology, history of magic. There are more but these are the first year subjects)

Hogwarts subjects that you think you are most likely to NOT like and not excel at:

So I think that's that. If you are selected and I need more info, I will contact you. Also I won't announce a list of who will make it in. I will just tag you in the chapter that you will appear in if you make it into the story, and as the story goes on I'll go inserting people! So it won't ever be late for you to appear, even as just a cameo!

Also, even if you are a new reader and see this late, you can still apply, as it will only be late once this story is over! You have until the very last chapter to appear. And even after that, who knows if this story leads to a sequel! You also have the chance to appear in it as well. And if you did appear once, it is possible that you appear again!

Hope you are enjoying this story up until now, a new chapter should be up soon. I've been doing a lot of research for the story and defining the plot, one that you hopefully will enjoy to read!

Have a good day/night everyone :)


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