One Direction 4: Lunch

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Fortunately no one spotted you guys. If you were seen with them you knew you’d be questioned by fans and criticized by some.

While entering the van, there was a tight space. Before going in you questioned again,

“Are you sure it’s alright for me to tag along. It seems there isn’t enough space.” You pouted a little as your eyes got bigger giving a puppy dog face. You wasn’t intending for your face to do that, it was just a natural thing. Danielle laughed and hugged you lightly.

“You are too cute!” She squealed.

“Too adorable, my little puppy!” Louis spoke overdramatically with a big smile, while ruffling the top of your head messing up your hair. Everyone laughed.

“C’mon Eden, we can make room. You’re so tiny, I’m sure you can fit. If not you can sit on my lap.” Harry smiled as he looked at you patting on his lap. You blushed and couldn’t believe what Harry just said. You felt a light push from behind seeing Zayn smiling at you.

“Go on, we may bite, but we’ll contain ourselves.” Zayn laughed as he spoke.

As you were getting in, Louis helped you sit next to him and Zayn getting in sitting next to you. There was Liam, Danielle, and Niall all the way in the back of the van and Harry, Louis, you, and Zayn in the middle, with Paul and another security/driver up front.

You wasn’t going to lie, the fit was pretty tight. You felt an arm life you up a bit and pulling you. You looked over to where you felt the tug to see Louis pulling and pushing you onto Zayn’s lap where he welcomes you by helping Louis.

“There you go Eden, much more comfortable ehy?” He flashes his adorable smile.

You blush, not only at Louis smile but, at the fact you are now sitting on Zayn’s lap. You feel his arms wrap around your waist securing you as well as making himself comfortable. It seemed as if it didn’t faze him, or so you thought.

Zayn thought you were adorable when you made the puppy dog face. Though he didn’t want to make it obvious that he was taking a liking to you, Louis got suspicious, thus moving you onto Zayn’s lap. Trying hard to act natural, Zayn kept his cool and stared out the window. Within a few minutes the van was roaring with laughter and talking. Zayn has gotten over his nervousness and wrapped his arms around your waist as he rocked a bit from laughing hysterically. You were laughing along hanging onto the grab handle (the ‘Oh Shit’ bar) on the top of the van for support. Finally arriving at the destination, you guys stopped at a little diner a mile away from the radio station.

“I love this place!” You hear Niall yell as he exits the van.

“We were here yesterday! Their pancakes were amazing!” Harry hollered after Niall.

You got off of Zayn and he and Louis followed, leaving Dani and Liam in the car alone for a bit.

Walking into the diner it was a little slow. Luckily, there were no fans, but there were whispers among the adults. Perhaps their daughters are really big fans and constantly talks about the boys? Your guess was just as good as anyone else. You looked across the diner to find Niall and Harry waving at us, so Louis, Zayn, and I made our way there. It was a little awkward because it was just you and the boys. This would be your first time with them without Danielle to support you.

The booth was pretty big. It could hold four on each side.  On one side there was Harry, Zayn, Opposite of them sat, Niall, you, Louis, and then Danielle would sit next to Zayn, and Liam across from Daniel. As everyone talked, you all got to get better acquainted, becoming much more comfortable with the boys. You guys were the loudest group in the diner laughing and talking story. The waitress finally came serving the cups of water and took your orders. It seemed that today was a breakfast for lunch kind of day. Everyone one, including yourself, ordered pancakes. As you were all talking you glanced up for a moment to find Zayn looking at you. You looked away blushing, thinking that you couldn’t believe you looked at him and he saw you. You began to glance at him discretely and noticed that he kept looking at you. This made you feel a bit self-conscious. As you kept glimpsing at him he still had his attention on you, however he would still look away once in a while to talk with everyone else. The next time you looked at him, you caught his eyes on you again. This time you smiled at him and he smiled back.

The waitress finally returned with the food all on a cart. She handed out the food to each of us and right away Niall was smothering his pancakes in syrup. Everyone took a turn and began eating. While eating Louis would make weird noises as he ate. He took a piece of Liam’s pancakes and made airplane noises and headed for Liam’s mouth. Liam opened his mouth to take in the yummy goodness. You all laughed and continued to eat. As you were eating you felt someone looking at you again. Cautiously trying look at Zayn without being seen, you look through your fringes as saw Zayn looking at you. He smiled making you realize that he knew you were looking at him.

“So you like to draw?” he started his own conversation with you while everyone else was having their own.

“Yeah, I love it actually.” You replied back.

He smiled and continued the conversation.

“Can I take a look at your artwork later?” He asked. You smiled and nodded.

“Of course!” you say with a wide smile.

He smiled back at you, “you got a really sweet smile. Very childlike, it’s super cute.” Your face began to heat up from embarrassment.

“Umm, thanks.” You replied back shyly.

Suddenly you and Zayn’s conversation was quickly interrupted as Louis shoved pancakes into your mouth. You were a bit confused and it showed on your face. This caused everyone to laugh as you finished chewing the food in your mouth. You ended up laughing along with them.

“Well that wasn’t awkward at all.” You exclaimed earning a few laughs.

“I like this girl” Louis said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

“I can’t wait until you meet Eleanor. She’d love you. She’s always wanted a sister of her own; I think Eden would be perfect!” He squeezed you tighter as the words escaped his lips.

Danielle’s face lit up then quickly turned into a pout making her look incredible adorable.  “I saw Eden first! She’s my little sister” she was obviously a little jealous. It only made you giggle. You were shocked that Louis was already willing to have you meet Eleanor and that Danielle wanted you as little sister.

Your attention went back to Zayn and he was still looking at you. The more he stared the more you seemed to be getting attached. It was as if he was casting a spell on you and it was working. When everyone was finished eating they all left the table, and when it was your turn to get out Zayn offered his hand to help you, which you hesitantly accepted. Niall watched the scene that played before him and  he instantly had feeling there was something going on between the two of you.


Sorry guys, this chapter was probably pretty boring. I just couldn’t find my flow. Dx I’ll try to make up for it in the next chapter.

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