One Direction 22: Double Date Part 2

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Ty and Alana were waiting for us in front of a little bistro called, Mario's Bistro. It was  a family-owned business that had great food. Ty was in a red and white plaid button up shirt with mens skinny jeans, and the classic black converse. Alana on the other hand was wearing a hot pink halter top, ripped super skinny jeans, and white heals. She looked super sophisticated and mature compared to me. I pouted and Zayn noticed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Maybe I should have worn something different. Alana looks super cute in her outfit." I complained.

"What are you talking about? You look adorable in your outfit. I like it way better than hers." Zayn admitted. I saw him blush at his compliment.

"Aww…." I cooed in his ear as I poked his cheek. The blush on his face reddened and I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.

Zayn parked the car and we both got out heading towards Ty and Alana. On our way over to them, Zayn interlocked his hand with mine. The present smile on my lips grew even wider with contact. I saw Ty also grab Alana's hand in his and brought it to his lips for a light kiss on the back of her hand. Those two were absolutely adorable together.

"Hey! You guys made it!" Ty exclaimed.

"Yup!" I chirped happily. We exchanged hugs, and Zayn and Ty did that handshake-pat on the back thing that guys do. 

"So what's that plan?" Zayn asked.

"We thought we'd have lunch first then wing it from there?" Ty stated.

"Alright, sounds good." Zayn flashed a smile that set my own lips to curve.

We entered the restaurant and it was fairly busy. When Zayn entered the restaurant, there was a lot of gasps and whispering. There were a few teenagers and young girls taking out their phones or parent's phones to snap pictures of Zayn. I smiled at the attention he was getting.

"Wow, they love you." Ty whispered looking at all the fans cooped up in one restaurant. Zayn just laughed and shrugged it off. 

"Hi there. How are you guys doing today?" The hostess greeted us.

"Pretty good thanks. Uh, table for four please." Zayn told the hostess. She was a gorgeous brunette with amazing crystal blue eyes. When she realized who Zayn was, her eyes went big and a giant grin made its way on her lips.

"Wow, the great Zayn Malik is on a double date?" She questioned.

"Yeah." Zayn smiled as he glanced back at me.

"That's so sweet. Well then, shall we?" She smiled and motioned us to follow her.

She brought us to our table and set down our menus. Zayn pulled open my seat for me and I thanked him as I sat down. Ty did the same for Alana. I looked over at Alana who was also looking at me, and we shared a smile. We thanked our boyfriends as they took their own seat.

"Your server will be right with you." The hostess informed us before leaving to help another party that had just entered the restaurant. It wasn't a long wait until our server came. 

"Hello, my name is Janette and I'll be your server. Please bare with me, considering I'm still new." She chucked nervously. Her voice was oddly familiar. 

"Janette?" I questioned.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Milton?" I questioned again.

"Pardon? Do we know each other?" There was evident confusion in her voice.

Still in my seat, I whipped my body so I was facing her. It was Janette Milton, my best friend. I didn't know she had finally moved here. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

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