One Direction 8: A Day at the Amusement Park

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After an hour drive we finally got to the amusement park. It was a school day for kids, so there wasn’t much people around. There were a few fans that were able to get an autograph and pictures but it wasn’t such a big crowd that would distract them from going on the rides. We all walked around until we came to a stop at a huge rollercoaster with a lot of loops and steep drops. Louis cheered and insisted that we all go and ride it. Liam was just as excited. Those two really love the action life. After much persistent begging, Louis and Liam had finally persuaded me, Dani, and Zayn to ride the ride. The ride fit 4 in a row. It was Louis, Niall, and Harry in front of us and Liam, Dani, me, and Zayn behind them. I was afraid of heights but I did love the feel of the adrenaline. I took a deep breath as the ride began to move.

We finally got off the ride and it was extremely fun. Even Zayn was hyped up after getting off. I knew he was afraid of them, but I’m glad he went on. My hair was a mess but I didn’t care. Dani’s hair was much worse than mines. Her curly locks were like an afro. We both laughed at each other and took a picture together with our unruly hair. I was sure that I’ll be seeing that on twitter. We walked and talked some more when we walked up to a haunted house. My eyes widened. I was probably the worst person to bring to a haunted house. I’m terrified of scary and creepy things. I tried to remain calm but I could feel myself tensing up.

“Let’s go in the haunted house!” Louis shouted excitement in his voice.

Everyone agreed to go in, including me. I didn’t want to put a damper in everyone’s fun. Louis, Harry, and Niall had run off into the Haunted House, Liam and Danielle went after them, and now it was just Zayn and I at the entrance. He took a step inside and I followed in close pursuit. I sucked up my embarrassment and grabbed on to Zayn’s hand. I was too scared to walk on my own.

“Sorry.” I apologized not letting go.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be here.” He comforted me, squeezing my hand tightly.

We began to walk and the whole atmosphere creeped me out. The eerie music, the creepy decorations, the fog, everything about it was unnerving. Eventually, I found myself latched to his arm. I’d scream once in a while when things would pop of nowhere. I wasn’t too sure, but I thought I’d heard Zayn laugh a few times. We had entered a room full of mirrors, and we could see creepy figures lurking about. It literally sent my mind into full on paranoia mode. The music that was playing only added to my fear. Zayn noticed that I was freaked out and wrapped his arm around my waist as security. I took this chance and clutched on him as if my life depended on it. We were finally nearing the end, and I could see the exit. I was relieved that everything was soon over. I went back to holding Zayn’s hand since I was more relaxed. Seeing the light at the end sent me a wave of relief. As we made our way to the exit, an extremely scary figure popped out in front of us. I screamed bloody murder and instantly ran towards Zayn who nearly fell. He hugged me protectively as he rubbed my back and whispered in my ear.

“It’s okay babe, it’s not real.” He assured me.

When we finally got out I had my arms around Zayn’s waist still in shock from the recent scare.

“L-let’s not do that again!” I stuttered.

“Oh, babe, if you were scared you should have told us.” Dani said coming over and comforting me.

“Yeah, we wouldn’t force you to do something that you afraid of.” Liam added. They were so nice. The perfect couple. They complimented each other so well. A very mature couple they were, sometimes.

I reluctantly let go of Zayn finally relaxed. We once again roamed the amusement park for the next ride. We had a blast riding all the rides in the amusement park. I couldn’t believe we rode every roller coaster. It was really funny when Harry got sick on the spinning dragons. I don’t remember the name of it, but it was a similar ride to the spinning tea cups at Disneyland. It was now 6pm. The sun began to set and the amusement lights switched on. We were all walking in deep conversation when Danielle squealed startling all of us.

“The Farris Wheel! Let’s go!” We could all tell that she was extremely excited. This Farris Wheel was the seated style, not the booth style. Therefore only two to three people at a time could fit on one. Louis, Niall, and Harry assumed their position in one of the seats. Next were Danielle and Liam, once again leaving Zayn and me to go on with each other. Zayn had been nothing but sweet and I seriously thought I was falling for him. We reached the top of the Farris Wheel and the view was just breathtaking.

“Oh my gosh! This is amazing! It’s so beautiful.” I stated, truly amazed.

“Yeah, absolutely beautiful.” He stated right after.

I turned to him with a smile and saw that he was already looking at me with a big grin. I didn’t notice how close he was until I was gazing straight into his eyes. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks and I wouldn’t doubt that he could feel it too. We stated into each other’s eyes and I bit my bottom lip out of nervousness and I saw him glimpse down at them.

“I really like you Eden.” He whispered. I felt his breath hit my lips.

“Just kiss her already!” we heard someone yell at a distance.

We looked back and saw it was Niall. Niall, Harry, Louis, as well as Liam and Dani were behind us at the top of the Farris Wheel smiling.

“What are you waiting for?!” Harry added.

“Kiss her you big lug!” Louis finished demandingly.

I looked back at Zayn who looked at me too. We both laughed before he leaned in and kissed me. There were clapping and cheers erupting from behind us. It was like magic. It was something I had never experienced before  in my life. We both pulled away, unfortunately, way too soon for my liking.

“Wow.” We both said in unison with wide grins on our lips.

“WOO!!! You kiss that beautiful woman in front of you!” Niall yelled causing us to laugh.

I couldn’t believe it. I kissed Zayn Malik. When we all got off the Farris Wheel, Zayn would not let go of my hand which kept me smiling the whole night. His hand fit perfectly in mine. I felt secure and safe, like nothing could tear us apart. And I hoped that it was true. In one night I fell madly in love with One Direction’s one and only, Zayn Malik. But what would happen when he left? The question suddenly popped into my head as I glanced up at Zayn who was happily talking away with the rest of the group. My heart sank. I couldn’t imagine the day when we’d have to say goodbye. Things weren’t settled yet. He didn’t ask me to be his girlfriend. Maybe this was just a fling. I had to try and get over it, but for now, I’ll let the happiness take over me.

-------Ooh!! First Kiss! Yay!

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