One Direction 30: Perfect

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A/N: OMFG!!! I just realized that I never gave Eden a last name! HOW COULD I?! I am such a horrible creator! Dx How could I possibly forget?! UGH! I'm mad at myself. In this chapter I'll mention her last name, unless… I did give her a last name and can't find it in this long story! Grrr… Help me out? If I did give her a last name and you remember what it was, please tell me. If I didn't give her a last name, please still tell me. Dx Sigh… how could I let this happen. Anyways, thanks for reading and please help me! Thanks Honeybears! x

Zayn's POV

The two weeks went by extremely fast. Eden and my family got on really well. Doniya and Eden has gotten closer as if they were real sisters, and Waliyah and Safaa has grown quite attached to her. My mum adores her. Eden is all she talks about. Telling me how sweet, helpful, and beautiful she is. My mum even mentioned about me marrying her. This whole two weeks was one of the best times of my life. 

Currently, everyone was out at work and the girls were at school, leaving Eden and me alone in the house. She was lying on the bed sketching in her sketch book while I was sitting at the desk on my laptop. I took a picture of myself with Eden in the background. She was unaware that I did, and I posted it on twitter. Twitter needed an update anyway. I heard a buzz coming from behind me and I glanced back at Eden to see her looking through her phone. Her face shot up at me with huge eyes.

"ZAYN!" She yelled. I laughed.

"What?" I asked innocently. 

"Waliyha taught me how to get the updates on my phone." She mentioned. 

"An 11 year old, taught an 18 year old, how to use twitter?" I looked at her with amusement. I couldn't help but smile. Eden's face instantly went completely red. 

"I'm just not big on the whole social media thing!" She shouted in embarrassment. This time she was sitting up right on the bed with her legs tucked under her. I started laughing as she rushed at me. 

"Stop making fun of me!" She spat, playfully hitting me. 

"Aww babe, you're so cute!" I managed to say between laughs. 

Eden was now sitting in my lap wiggling around trying get me to stop laughing. What she doesn't realize is that she's just making it worse. Eventually I started tickling her on her sides. She started to laugh in hysterics. 

"S-St-op!" She tried to speak but could barely say a word. 

"I'm the Bradford bad boy, I listen to no one!" 

"Wh-at?!" Eden spoke and then started laughing even harder. "B-Bradf-ford bad b-boy!" She managed to say and continued to laugh. "So you… still… do say… that!" She muttered out still cackling away. 

While she was in her little world of giggles, I kissed her unexpectedly. When our lips made contact, I could tell she was surprised by the way her body stiffened, but soon relaxed. She was still chuckling into the kiss but that laugh turned into a smile and that smile melted as her lips began to move in sinc with mine. For some reason this kiss seemed so different. It felt… there's no words that could explain it. I guess if I had to explain it, the kiss felt like it was a kiss that nothing could compare to. Like I knew this was the kiss of the rest of my life. The kiss that I will always look forward to and the kiss that will always make me feel like I'm alive. The kiss of, not Eden Pasqualino but, Mrs. Eden Malik.

As I was sitting on the chair, Eden sat on my lap with her legs on either side of me. Her arms were draped over my shoulders while mine was wrapped around her waist securely. My heart was pounding, wanting more of her touch. Every time we touched, even if it was a simple brush of the shoulders, or our hands tapped each other's when we're walking, sets my body on fire. I don't know what it is, but she just has this affect on me. Sometimes I think about telling her, but I don't want to sound like some sappy lovestruck guy although, I know she wouldn't mind it.

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