One Direction 19: HELP!

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Dinner with everyone was fun and entertaining as always. I could tell that Paul was enjoying himself as well. We were all having a few drinks except for Paul and Liam. Other than Dani, we were all a bit tipsy. Before we could get any more drunk, Liam paid the bill and Paul got all of us back safely in the van. There were a few fans out waiting for us, but Paul didn't allow any of the boys to take picture in the current state they were in.

Zayn had an arm securely wrapped around my waist as he waved to the fans. Dani and El were talking to me about random things, Liam was holding Dani's hand waving to the fans as well, Niall and Harry were jumping on Paul's shoulder giving the fans a show, and Louis was sneaking pictures with fans when Paul wasn't looking.

When we were finally in the van, Paul jumped into the drivers seat and drove off. The boys had to work early the next morning, so they dropped me home. Zayn walked me to my door and kissed me goodnight. I watched him walk down the few steps that lead to my door, before opening the door to my abode. When I opened it, I noticed that my room light was on. 

"Dammit. I left it on?" I quietly scolded myself, although I was sure that I turned it off the day I actually left.

I set my bags and keys on the kitchen counter when I heard a sound coming from my room. I was still under the influence of all the alcohol I had during dinner, so I knew I wasn't up to par to protect myself. I went into the kitchen grabbing the biggest frying pan I had. This literally sucked because I had no real friends in the area. The only person I could call is Zayn and the others. That's when it clicked! Call Zayn! I quietly looked through my bag for my phone when I realized that it wasn't there. I check in all the pockets of my bag and my pockets in my pants, but unfortunately for me, it was no where to be found. My heart started to race knowing there was no one I could depend on. 

I slowly walked down the hall to my bedroom. I couldn't see who it was but who ever it was made a mess of everything. There were books and clothes all over the floor, my bed, and even some outside my bedroom door. This fear I felt was something I've never felt before. My stomach was turning and I wanted to cry, in fact, I actually was. I let out a soft shriek when a picture flew out of my room and hit the wall right across from my bedroom door. I looked at the picture to see it was a picture of Zayn and me.

"So you're finally here." A deep voice slurred.

I quickly looked up in surprise to see Scott standing at my doorway. He looked a mess. His shirt was sloppy, his hair looked gross, it was obvious that he was drunk and I wouldn't be surprised if he was high off some sort of drug. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at him. The destruction he did to my room pissed me off. 

"Shut up. Where's that piece of shit boyfriend of yours huh?" He spat. He sounded as if he was disgusted. 

"Not here, like your supposed to be. And he's not the shitty boyfriend, you were." I snapped back at him.

"Oh yeah? He's the shitty boyfriend since he can't protect you." He gritted.

"What are you talking about? And how the hell did you get into my house? You know what? Just get the hell out. Leave!" My voice started grew louder. 

"How I got in is not important. Why don't you call your sorry ass boyfriend to make me leave, if you really think that he can protect you like I have." He continued to flap his trap.

"Shut up. He can protect me way better than you ever have." I retorted.

"Yeah? Let's he him protect you now!" He shot back at me.

In a flash I found myself pinned up against the wall. He was holding me by my neck with one hand, his body was pressed up against mine constricting me, while his other hand was trying to unbutton my top. I struggled to get free but he was too strong for me. I couldn't help but cry. I couldn't believe this was going to happen to me. He was going to rape me. I felt my body go flying in the air and onto my bed. He was hovering over me with dark eyes and a mischevious grin.

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