One Direction 1: Mysterious Note

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Eden was like every other One Direction fanatic, but she was one of those fans that fangirled alone or in a small group consisting of her best friend and herself. And she was that type of fan that was mellow when it came to meeting celebrities. However, upon returning home, or when no one is looking, she would FREAK OUT! She was also no the most feminine girl. She was a bit of a tomboy but could pull off almost any look, although she preferred wearing skinny jeans, jean shorts and skirts, t-shirts or simple tees, with converse, Nikes, Vans, etc. To finish her outfit she would wear simple accessories like a watch, wristbands, and an edgy necklace. Don't get her wrong, she still would wear a little more girly clothing. Unfortunately, she would only wear a dress if she needed to or if the occasion required it. Eden loved to doodle and draw cartoons. She also dabbled in fashion designing, but that was once in a while.

"I won't be leaving, till I've finish stealing every piece of your heart, every piece of your heart..." the music blared through her earphones which were plugged into her iTouch.

She sat in a small coffee shop leaning her back against the glass window with her legs on the chair doodling away drawing a realistic picture of a middle aged couple sitting in front of her. She had her hot cocoa sitting next to her bag, phone, and eraser that were all scattered on the table besides her. As she was in her own little world, she softly sang along to the song currently playing on her iTouch. Bobbing her head to the music, someone happened to look through the window into the coffee shop where this person got a good glimpse of Eden’s drawing. The stranger than looked up at the direction Eden’s body faced and saw the exact couple that was sketched into her sketch book. Impressed, the stranger proceeded to enter the coffee shop.

Eden was absorbed in her own world as if it was only her and her muse at the time in the room. She was so engulfed in what she was drawing that she didn’t realize someone had just sat next to her. This person was able to order several cups of coffee and receive them without Eden knowing that it had happened. The stranger looked over at Eden and smile.

“Beautiful” the stranger spoke, but Eden didn’t hear a thing for she had her ear phones on. The stranger noticed this and smiled.  Grabbing a sheet of napkin, the stranger pulled out a sharpie pen and wrote on the napkin, placing it under Eden’s drink hoping she would see it. The stranger got up and left.  

Finally finished with her drawing, Eden picked up her cup without looking and drank the rest of her, once hot, hot cocoa. As she was about to pick up the napkin she noticed the note written on the napkin.

“You have an amazing talent. You are very good. Xx”

Confused, Eden quickly shot her head up and scanned the coffee shop for anyone that could have possibly left the note. The hand writing was neat, almost like a girl’s handwriting. However, Eden did not want to assume the gender, for she has male friends with girl-like penmanship and female friends whose hand writings were practically chicken scratch. Who could this person be?


Hey guys, this is just the 1st story and my first time doing a One Direction fanfic, so I hope you guys be easy on me and enjoy the stories! Let me know what you think or what I can improve on.

Oh yeah, let me know who you think this mysterious person might be! :]

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