One Direction 16: The Past

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"We dated three years ago." I started.

"We met during my junior year and his senior year in Art class. We shared an art locker and so that's how we met. We got on really well and we eventually started dating. Things were going fine, almost perfect even. He was always there for me and I was always there for him. Everyone said that we were the perfect couple and I really thought that was true."

"So what happened after? Why did you guys split up?" Zayn asked.

"6 months later, I found out that he was cheating on me with Tiffany Rogers, your typical popular cheerleader that all the girls liked and all the boys wanted. I should have seen it coming. Captain of the futball team dating a dorky artist? Funny pair right?" I let out a choked chuckle.

"Eden..." Zayn started but I didn't let him finish.

" I caught them making out in the locker room. They thought they could hide it from me but I found out. Tiffany, miss popular. She was an awesome girl until she did what she did. In fact, I admired her. She was a head cheerleader, but she was super sweet and caring. But I guess that was all a lie. Could you believe that my best friend could lie to me for that long? I was so made at her, I was so mad at the both of them.

A fFew days later they approached me and told me it was all an accident. That it was the spur of the moment and they were under the influence with drugs and alcohol. You know what the funny part was? I didn't smell alcohol on them. Nor did I smell weed on them. There was no smell of weed or alcohol on them. But being the idiot that I was, I pretended not to notice. I pushed it back into the back of my mind and my heart, because I believed that I loved him and because she was my best friend. We were best friend since we were 9. Just like a fool, I forgave them both. Little did I know, it wasn't the end." Tears were spilling from my eyes as I relieved all the painful memories.

"Eden you don't have to go on." Zayn stated.

"No. I want you to know. I trust you and I think I need this. Could you please listen?" I asked him totally broken. He started at me hesitantly, unsure if he should let me continue.

"Sure babe." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder comforting me.

"After they apprpached me and apologized, things eventually got back to normal except that Scott and Tiffany were somewhat more distant from each other. I assumed it was their way of showing me how much they were sorry and hard they were trying to prove to me that it would never happen again.

Then six months later, I caught them together again. Scott cheated on me for a second time and Tiffany betrayed me for the second time. Do you know where I caught them?" The words that spilled out of my mouth were bitter. Zayn just sat there listening to what I had to say. And in all honesty, that's all I really needed at the moment.

"I caught them having sex! Having sex in my room, on MY BED!" I began to raise my voice. The anger was boiling in me and the flow of my tears grew heavier. 

"They promised me that it wouldn't happen ever again. To make it even worse, the next day, Tiffany admitted to me that she was 3 months pregnant with Scott's child. The whole time they were cheating on me. They didn't only break my heart, they shattered it. The whole incident was too much for me to handle and I was just so angry at them that I left. I moved here to get away from them, the gossip, rumors, everything. And now he's back. I don't know what to do or where to go anymore."

Zayn wrapped his arms around me tightly rubbing my back to soothe me. I continued to cry as I hiccuped. 

"You know what? Maybe this isn't a good idea." I spat.

"What's not?" Zayn questioned.

"This. This whole thing with you and me. Maybe it's too soon. You're Zayn Malik from One Direction. You're practically perfect. You can have any girl in the world and you decide to take a chance with some middle class amature artist who probably ain't going anywhere. We should break up. That's probably the best thing for you. You don't deserve someone like me. You deserve someone who's gorgeous, tall, maybe a model, but not someone like me. We should break up." I started to shake as the tears poured.

"Eden." Zayn spoke.

"No Zayn, it'll be for the best. I don't want to hold you down." I gushed in self pitty.

"Eden, listen to me." Zayn's voice was demading and stern. I didn't argue with him but just nodded.

"Eden, stop crying. You don't have to cry anymore. You're not the one that lost anything. You only got rid of the things in your life that don't deserve to have an amazing person like you in it. They're the stupid idiots that lost one of the best things that ever stepped into their lives and walked out. If you don't believe me then that ass hole Scott wouldn't be back here. Plus, he did me a favor. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have you. There wouldn't be an us, and my heart wouldn't be whole. The universe works in crazy ways, but good people always get what they deserve in the end. And Eden, you're good people. And don't worry. I'm not as stupid as they are to ruin such a special thing that I have with you. No girl can compare to you. You're the only one for me."  Zayn had a small smile on his face.

Everything that Zayn said touched me. When he pointed to his heart I couldn't help but go weak and cry my eyes out. I was so lucky to have Zayn with me. So lucky to have an amazing boy friend. He was completely right. I didn't lose anything at all, I only gained the better things in life. I gained 6 new best friends and a sweet and loving boy friend a girl could ever wish for. And as a bonus, he happens to be Zayn Malik from One Direction. Everything that came out of his mouth was sincere and the look in his eyes only confirmed how much he meant it.

"I love you Zayn." I pecked him on the lips. 

Zayn stared into my red and puffy chocolate brown eyes as I stared back into his. He lifted his hand and wiped away the old and fresh tears from my cheeks with his thumb. He gently rested his hands on either side of my face.

"I love you too." Zayn whispered as he pulled my face closer to his until our lips touched once more. Our lips moved together perfectly. Zayn's kiss was so much different from Scotts'. It felt like Zayn was more afraid of me, like he didn't want to hurt me. His kiss was gentle and soft, yet passionate and it gave me butterflies. This time for sure, I knew I was in love. 

-------- So I tried. What did you think? Yeah, I know it's pretty short. Sorry about that D:

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