One Direction 21: Double Date Part 1

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--------- AAAAHHHHH!!! Bullying is  so bad!!! Make sure no one bullies you and you don't bully anyone else. Tell someone about it. If that person doesn't do anything, go to someone else. No one deserves any kind of abuse! GGRRAAJKSJSKGNGNSF! NO! Bullying is wrong!

It had been a while since I've seen Ty and his girlfriend, Alana. We had been texting each other and finally set a time, date, and location for our first double date. I was so excited to see them again and even more excited because this would be my first double date with Zayn! We've gone out on many dates, but never a double date. And maybe in the near future, we could have a triple date with Liam, Louis, and the girls! I was getting over excited as I was sitting on the hotel room balcony outside alone. I stood up and stretched looking at the view. As I was stretching, familiar arms wrapped around my waist and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Hey Love." I smiled leaning my head back; resting it on his shoulder.

"What are you doing out here alone?" He asked.

"Just enjoying the view and warm air." I stated simply.

"It is nice out here." Zayn agreed with me looking out at the view.

"It's even better now, since you're here." I inwardly laughed at my cheesy self.

Zayn let out a light chuckle  before pressing his lips to my cheek. The moment was like something out of a dream, except this was all real. Although this all felt so perfect, I couldn't help but feel like something bad was going to happen; like this was the calm before the storm. It was that thought that made me feel a bit of worry, but now was not the time to worry about that.

"C'mon babe, lets go and get ready. We have to meet Ty and Alana in two hours. You know how long we take to get ready." Zayn reminded me. I laughed because he was right, we took forever to get ready.

"Wanna share a bath?" I questioned. His eyes went wide in surprise that I was actually offering.

"Are you serious?" Zayn asked in disbelief.

"Of course not! I was joking you muppet." I laughed at his dismay.

"Such a tease." Zayn mumbles burying his head into my neck and nipping at my neck. I giggled trying to push him away, but his grip was too tight around me.

"ZAYN!" I screamed between laughs. 

We continued to full around until Liam and Danielle came onto the balcony giggling.

"Well aren't you two the cutest couple of the year." Dani interrupted.

Zayn and I stopped what we were doing and turned our attention to the beautiful couple still in each others arms. We both had giant smiles on our faces and so did Liam and Danielle. 

"Shouldn't you guys be getting ready? I mean you two do take like two hours to get ready." Liam chuckled. We all joined his laughing fit.

"That's what Zayn was saying!" I giggled. 

"You two better get going!" Danielle shooed us into the hotel room.

I ran into the room with Zayn following close behind. Before I could shut the door on Zayn, he was able to stop it. Through the crack of the door, he peered at me with a suspicious look. I knew he was going to do something so I squealed running to the bed. Zayn caught up to me quickly and grabbed my leg dragging me on the bed towards him.

"Shower with me, it'll save more time." He winked. 

I rolled my eyes playfully and extended my arms for him to help me up. He grabbed my hands and he easily got me to my feet. Without warning, he hauled my body over his shoulder and carried me into the bathroom. The whole way I was protesting and demanding that he put me down, but my efforts was all in vain. He finally set me down once we got in the bathroom. I immediately started taking off my clothes starting with the shirt I was wearing. When my shirt hit the ground I noticed Zayn staring at me fully clothed.

"Zayn, you perv. We're gonna be late." I scoffed turing to hide my red face.

I felt Zayn's arms wrap around my waist from behind and pulled my body against his. I shifted in his arms so that I was facing him and wrapped my own arms around his waist. I gave him a chaste kiss as my fingers made their way to the hem of his shirt. I lifted his shirt over his head and smiled. 

"C'mon slow poke. We need to get ready." I turned him around and pushed him towards the shower. 

We removed the rest of our clothing and got into the shower. I had control over the water, so I turned it on and let the water flow at my feet. The water was still cold and I pulled the lever for the shower head. I pressed my body to the shower wall as the cold water sprang out of the shower head hitting Zayn. He let out a loud screech and jumped at the cold touch. Without hesitation, the roaring sound of glee released from my mouth shamelessly. I couldn't stop; his reaction was just so perfect. Zayn backed away from the sprinkling water and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the water. I let out a scream of my own at the ice cold water. When Zayn released me, I quickly got out of the way of the shower head. We were both laughing while I adjusted the water to warm. 

Not too long after we got out and started to get dressed. Zayn wore a plain white V-neck, denim bootleg pants, and a letterman jacket with the letters EM on it. I had never seen it before so it must have been new, but what did EM stand for? Or did it even have a meaning?

"E. M?" The way I said the letters came out as a question.

"It's your initials." Zayn scrunched his face into an adorable smile.

"My initials? Zayn, my last name does't start with a M." I gave him a weird look.

"But mine does." And with that, he smiled and went back into the bathroom leaving me to stand there blushing like Niall's sunburns.

The whole time I was changing, I had a wide grin on my face. I slipped on my undergarments and wrapped my towel around my head. I slipped on a plain white tube dress with a braided brown belt around my waist and a quarter-sleeved black leather-like jacket that stopped mid-torso. I was putting on my black TOMS when Zayn finally came out of the bathroom. His hair was up in his signature quiff looking perfect. He twisted his lips in a kissing manner and winked at me. I shot him back the same gesture adding my girlish flare to it. We both laughed as he walked over to me, unwrapping the towel on my head and causing my hair to fall in a mess of tangles. He laughed as I pouted and headed to the bathroom to comb my hair. While I was in the bathroom, I applied some eyeliner, mascara, and watermelon lipgloss. 

"READY!" I yelled as I jumped out of the bathroom slightly startling Zayn. I giggled at the sight.

Zayn had a smile on his face as I noticed his eyes scanning me up and down. A smirk of my own made its' way to my lips and I did the same. When my eyes got back to his face he licked then bit his lip. I couldn't help but get a little turned on. I mimicked him partially and bit my own lip. I forced myself to look away and grabbed my bag.

"Zayn, lets go before we're late." I tried to keep my voice normal.

"Sure babe." Zayn replied. I could practically hear his enjoyment in his voice. 

With my back still towards Zayn, I extended my hand to my side wiggling my fingers to hint him to hold my hand. He let out a chuckle and I heard him shuffling towards me when finally his fingers intertwined with mine. He gave me a quick peck on my cheek and I couldn't help but giggle. 

"I predict that this date will be one we'll remember." I cheered and dragged Zayn out the door.

As we ran, we bid farewell to the rest of the gang and they did the same. There were fans out the hotel as always and we met with Paul down in the lobby. He escorted us to the rental car, which was nothing fancy that way fans wouldn't really notice. Zayn opened my door for me then hopped into the drivers seat. We both waved goodbye to Paul and he waved back. Zayn then started the car and we drove off to the date spot.

We finally pulled up to our destination and there was Ty and Alana. And may I say, she looked gorgeous.

----------- Wooo!!! Another Chapter down! I wonder what will happen in their date. 

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