One Direction 15: An Unwanted Surprise

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------- Sorry for the wait! Well here's the update :) xx

It was brand new day. I woke up in my room with Zayn silently sleeping besides me. I smiled. Zayn Malik was now my boy friend. I leaned over kissing him softly on his cheek before getting out of bed and heading into the bathroom. In the bathroom, I looked myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess but I couldn't help but smile at myself. I just couldn't believe that Zayn was now my boy friend. This was what I was waiting for! 

After freshening up I left the bathroom to find my bed empty. I was confused looking around my room. I walked out to check my apartment to find no one around. What a way to start my day! Maybe he realized what he did and regreted it. I climbed onto my bed and laid on the side Zayn was once sleeping on. I laid there silently when I heard a soft breathing. Confused, I cautiously peeked over the edge of the bed to find Zayn sleeping on the floor. That's when it hit me. Zayn... fell off the bed. I broke into a loud laughter. It was impossible for me to hold it in. As I was laughing I hadn't noticed Zayn waking up and towering over me. 

"What happened? Why was I on the floor?" He asked groggily. 

"Oh no babe... you... you fell off the bed in your sleep." I continued to laugh. He groaned and plopped himself face down back on the bed crushing me.

"Ahh, Zayn! Get off of me!" I tried to push him off but it was no use. 

"No." He mumbled into the sheets. I finally gave up and just layed on the bed with his body perpendicular to mine. I just stared up at the ceiling. Zayn was heavy on me but he wasn't crushing me. I was surprisingly pretty comfortable. I heard a knock coming from my front door. Dang it. I tried to get free from under him but he wasn't waking up. 

"Zayn. Get up. Someone is at the door. I need to go get it." I pleaded him to get up. But no use. 

"Baby, I need to get the door." I announced.

"Mmm, I like the sound of that." His voice was muffled by the sheets as he rolled over, letting me free.

"Me too." I smiled biting my bottom lip.

I walked out of the bedroom and to the front door. When I opened the door I was in utter surprise. My jaw just dropped and I froze up. This wasn't happening, was it? 

"Scott?" I deadpanned. 

"Hey Eden, long time no see. How ya been?" He smiled. I was shocked but tried to remain calm and act like I didn't care.

"What are you doing here?" I asked harshly.

"Ouch. I just wanted to pay you a visit. I missed you." He admitted.

"Yeah right. Did that Tiffany girl dump you?" I spat. 

"You know what, I don't care. Don't ever show up around here ever again." I added and shut the door.

"Eden!" Scott yelled my name from the other side of the door. The door handle was rattling but I locked it so he couldn't get in. 

"Go away!" I yelled. 

The tears were pooling in the rim of my eyes. I was never going to forgive him even if its been a year since our break up. He cheated on me once and like an idiot, I forgave him. And then he had the nerve to cheat on me again with the same girl! UGH! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. We been together for two years and he ruined it. Or maybe it was my fault. I guess I wasn't good enough. Would this happen again with Zayn? I was getting insecure all over again. I really like Zayn, but I can't handle getting my heart broken again.

"Eden." I heard Scott call out again. His voice was soft. I couldn't hold it in anymore. The tears started to pour.

"Scott. Just go away." My voice cracked.

"Eden?" I heard a new voice speak out. I looked up to see Zayn standing in front of me.

"Baby what's wrong?" Zayn asked concerned.

"Eden? Whose voice is that?" I heard Scott from outside. 

Zayn looked at me confused. He approached me slowly and gently moved me out of the way. I watched as he unlocked the door and opened it slowly. There you have it, Scott and Zayn were now face to face. I didn't realize when, but I stopped crying. I watched my ex-boyfriend and current boy friend glare at each other.

"Who are you?" I heard Zayn say nonchalantly. 

"I'm Scott, Eden's boyfriend. Who are you?" Scott replied coldly. My eyes widened and my jaw just dropped. All lies. Scott is lying.

"What?" Zayn was confused. I rushed over to the door. I shot a death glare over at Scott. 

"I am not your girl friend." I yelled and slammed the door in his face.

Fresh tears started to waterfall down my cheeks. I couldn't believe this was happening. I slid down the door unable to stand.

"Eden..." Zayn's voice was soft and gentle.

"I'm so sorry Zayn." I cried.

"You didn't do anything wrong. Just breath and relax. When you're ready, you can explain everything okay?" He calmed me down, wrapping an arm around me. I only nodded and I rested my head on his chest. There was a knocking on the door. I knew it was Scott.

"Just get out of here." Zayn growled. 

Just by the sound of his voice, I knew he was upset. There was a loud thud at the door and I flinched at the unexpected sound. I assumed Scott punched the door. We heard footsteps fading outside. I was relieved to know that Scott had finally left. I stood up not knowing how I was going to explain this mess to Zayn. I know that it's simple to explain, its just that, it was going to be hard to relive the past.

"Eden, are you alright?" Zayn asked.

"Yes." And with that said I got up and walked into my room.

I sat silently on my bed trying to get rid of all my memories of Scott. As the old memories popped into my head, the more angrier I got. Scott hurt me and I wanted nothing to do with him, but he suddenly came back into my life and I just couldn't stand it.

"Eden?" I looked over my shoulder to see Zayn standing at the door way.

"Mind if I come in?" I nodded and he sat down next to me.

"We dated three years ago..." I started. Zayn just sat there silently listening.

--------- Ooh... Scott. Ex-boyfriend. Read next chapter to find out what happened! :o

And sorry for the short chapter!  The next one will be longer, maybe... xD haha. I'll try not to let it disappoint you.

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