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Tino's POV

Berwald and I are currently waiting for the doctor, him sitting still and me twiddling my thumbs. We had been taken to a small room to wait, where we sat on the edges of our chairs.

A man about my hight walked in and introduced himself. "Herro, I am Dr. Honda. You wirr come to me for your monthry check ups," he said with a slight bow. "Wait, Kiku? I thought you wrote mangas," I asked the small Japanese man.

"Werr, I do that in my free time. But back to the appointment," he said, slightly flustered. "So, I've been tord your... pregnant? It's very rare, I've onry seen two other cases of mare pregnancy. One man was from Canada, his husband from Prussia. The other man was from Britain, his husband from America. Both pregnancies took onry three months," he motioned to the examination table at the wall and asked,"Wourd you mind laying here?"

I shook my head and walked over to the table, slightly jumping to get my butt high enough to reach, and laid down awkwardly. He asked to pull up my shirt then poked around at my bare stomach for a while as I tried to hold in my giggles. He wrote on his papers and motioned for me to sit up. "You're about two weeks arong, correct? You're bump is going to grow rapidry, don't be ararmed by it. I'rr send you more information in an emair later. If you have any questions, feer free to carr or emair anytime," he said, handing me a small business card.

"Thank you Dr. Honda!" I told him as Berwald and I left. He bowed and walked the opposite direction as we returned to the car. "Is three months enough time to prepare?" I asked Berwald as we buckled ourselves in. "Mhm," he replied as he started the car.

I sighed happily and looked out the window.

Could life get any better?

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