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Emil's POV

"Slow down! The ice is really slick!" I shouted, time slowing down as Leon slipped on the ice, falling and hitting his head on the ground.

There was an awful cracking noise and I hoped it wasn't his skull. I carefully rushed over to him, grabbing his hand and gently shaking his shoulder,"Leon? Are you ok? What was that cracking noise?"

"I landed on a stick, my butt hurts now. Icey, I take back what I said about being fine living here. I love you, but this country just tried to kill me," he joked, slowly sitting up and grabbing the back of his head, groaning in pain. "You scared me! Be careful Leon, I don't want to lose you," I said, pulling him into a hug before helping him get back up.

"Sorry, I'll try not to be killed by this weird country before I'm a billion years old like Yao is," he said, stumbling a little as I led him slowly towards his house. I spared a glance up at him, noticing his pained expression and how he held the back of his head as if it was falling off.

We sped up our pace a little bit, making it to his house in a few more minutes of silent walking. He pulled out his key, unlocking the door and leading me inside. "Go sit down, I'll get you ice and medicine," I told him, watching as he nodded slowly and went to their big couch.

After making sure he sat down all right, I went to the kitchen and searched for pain medicine, finding it in the top cabinets, having to climb onto the counter to reach it. I then grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, evidence on how prepared Kiku is for every emergency.

I made my way back to the living room with the supplies, handing the pill to Leon and making sure he could swallow it before handing him the ice pack. "Why did this have to happen today?" he whined, placing the pack onto the back of his head,"It couldn't like, wait a few million years?"

I smiled at his childish acts and gently pushed him to lay down, looking at him in confusion as he smirked up at me. "Don't you think it's a bad time for this Icey?" he teased, winking at me and causing me to turn bright red.

"T-that's not what I'm doing!" I denied, shaking my head furiously at him. He laughed and wiggled his big eyebrows, laughing harder at my spluttered attempts of speaking, groaning as the pain started again.

"Just lay down and stay there, you're in no condition to be moving," I told him, pushing him back down onto the couch. "Now scoot over."

I laid down next to him, placing my hands on his chest as his arms wrapped around me. We stayed like that for a while, our breathing slowing down as we drifted off into sleep together.

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