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Tino's POV

"You may kiss the groom."

Mathias grabbed Lukas around his waist, bending him as far back as possible, and kissed him sweetly.

I started clapping happily, Berwald following my lead, until everyone in the room was clapping and cheering. Peter jumped up and down next to me, at the end of the line of Lukas' groomsmen along with Emil as best man, Arthur, and Lukas's friend Matthew. Peter's loud giggles echoed around the large room.

Mathias's groomsmen were more enthusiastic, excluding Berwald. Jett was standing next to Alfred across from Arthur, then Gilbert across from Matthew, with Berwald left to stand across from me, and Leon across from Emil. They were all shouting and cheering loudly, the only thing I could catch was, "Get some Mathias!"

The cheering died down eventually and the two newlyweds broke apart, their faces tinted a light pink. They walked down the aisle hand in hand, leading everyone to the after party.

I grabbed Peter's hand. He was excited about everything, his blue eyes matching the little blue tux he wore, which also matched Lukas's.

"Mummy, what happens next?" Peter asked, still bouncing as we followed in front of the crowd. "We're going to a party now," I told him, giggling as his eyes lit up, "You aren't allowed to stay the whole time though." His smile instantly dropped, replaced with a large pout. "But Mummy! I want to stay and party," he whined, tugging gently at my hand. "Maybe when Leon and Emil get married," I whispered, laughing when Lukas shouted back, "Leon is NOT going to marry my little brother!"

Berwald finally caught up to us, having been lost in the sea of people, though he's taller than most of them and could just run them over. He grabbed my free hand in his, giving one of his rare smiles.

"Isn't today perfect?" I asked, swinging Peter and Berwald's arms back and forth slowly. "I wonder if the party is going to turn out like ours."

Berwald looked away and blushed heavily, his grip on my hand tightening slightly. "Oh, I'm sure it won't be that bad," I assured him, Peter looking up at us in confusion. "What happened at your party?" he asked innocently. "That's a story for another day," I told him. "Oh, ok," he turned to face in front of us again, skipping happily out the large doors of the even larger room.

"So what now?" Peter asked. His blonde hair swayed in the gentle breeze as we walked outside, getting in his eyes. "Now we go to that building right there," I said. "That's where the party is." "Let's go then!" He shouted, pulling us in a little backwards train across the grass.

We stopped in front of the doors, waiting for the grooms to catch up.

"You sure are excited," Mathias teased, jogging up to ruffle Peter's hair. "I want to party!" He shouted, a huge grin spread across his face. "Then let's party!" Mathias shouted, bursting through the doors.

The room was absolutely covered in blue. Blue streamers, blue balloons, blue tables and chairs, it was kind of obnoxious.

This must have been Mathias's idea.

Lukas came up behind us quietly, scaring us when he grabbed a hold of Mathias's ear. "What is all this, anko?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed so hard they almost touched. "I thought you would like it," Mathias whimpered, pulling at Lukas's hand on his ear.

So it was his idea. Huh.

"You're annoying,"Lukas sighed, releasing his ear and walking away. "Lukie,"Mathias pouted, trailing after him like a lost puppy, "Come back."

I watched them and smiled, happy that our family has progressed this far. "Hey Peter-" I started, looking down next to me, only to realize I was no longer holding his hand, "Peter?"

"Peter? Where did you go?" I called, turning and looking around the room. I tugged Berwald's arm, still looking around the room. "Ber? Did you see where Peter went?" He shrugged and began to look around as well.

More people began filing into the room, slowly making it harder and harder to look for Peter. For being such a loud and energetic child, he sure is being sneaky right now. Berwald can't even seem to find him.

I spotted Emil sitting nearby, quickly making my way through the crowd to get to him. "Hey Emil? If you spot Peter will you keep an eye on him until I can get him? Berwald and I can't seem to find him," I said. "Sure," he leaned back in his seat and stretched, looking around to keep a lazy watch for Peter. "Thank you so much," I said, turning to search once again.


Peter's POV

I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand to muffle the sound. "How much longer do we have to wait?" I whispered, turning to look at Jett. His face looked blue from the light coming through the table cloth, making him look a little funny. "Your uncle said we would know when to come out. We just have to wait a little longer," he said. "Alright," I shifted under the table, moving to put my head on his shoulder. "Don't fall asleep," he warned me. "I won't," I promised, leaning into his side.

We sat there for what seemed like forever, until we heard soft footsteps approaching.

"Hey guys, it's like, time to go," Leon whispered to us, lifting the table cloth and ushering us to the front of the room. The room became silent as we stopped in front of the table Uncle Lukas and Mathias were at.

Jett pulled out a box from behind his back and I began to recite my lines.

"To the lovely Lukas from his favorite Dane in the world," I started, watching Jett open the box and pull out a picture frame from the corner of my eye. Uncle Lukas's eyes went wide, his mouth falling open slightly.

"For all the years I've known you, you've shown me kindness in your own way. You stayed by my side through thick and thin, complaining all the way."

This drew some soft laughter from everyone, Uncle Lukas turning slightly pink.

"I've dreamt of this moment for a long time, hoping one day I could gather enough courage to ask you to be mine forever. The day you said yes, I felt as if I could die of happiness, but I didn't because that would kind of defeat the point, wouldn't it?"

I looked up, seeing Uncle Mathias wrapping his arms around Uncle Lukas as he sobbed. This made it harder for me to continue, seeing my Mummy crying next to him as well.

"Y-You're the l-light of my day," I stuttered, my eyes filling with tears. "A-And I l-love you s-so much. I h-hope we can b-be together for-forever."

Uncle Mathias gave me a thumbs up, his own eyes looking teary. I broke down in front of the table, falling to my knees and sobbing. Jett handed the picture to someone, sitting next to me and pulling me into a hug. I covered my eyes and sobbed, feeling Jett rub my back gently.

"Thank you," Uncle Lukas sniffed, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hands, "Come here Peter." I stood shakily and walked around the table to stand between him and Mummy. "Thank you so much for saying all that for your uncle," he said, pulling me into a large hug. "You're welcome," I buried my face into his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him as much as I could. "How about I throw this bouquet so you can go home and sleep?" he asked, pulling me away and brushing the hair from my face. I nodded and he smiled.

"Who wants to catch the bouquet?" he asked. Uncle Emil instantly stood up, grabbing Leon's arm and dragging him to the door. "Come on Jett!" I shouted. We ran to the door as well, standing and waiting patiently for Uncle Lukas to hurry up.

"Ready?" he asked, turning and holding the bouquet of Purple Heathers and Marguerite Daisies in front of himself. "Catch!"

I watched as the flowers flew through the air, lifting my arms up to catch the bundle as it fell towards my face. "I caught it!" I shouted, bouncing around in excitement. "Not until you're twenty!" Mummy shouted from inside, everyone laughing and clapping.

"Not until I'm twenty," I repeated.


It's over. TT-TT

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