When you go to a party

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Tonight there was a party going on at your old friend F/N's house. You haven't seem them for a long time. There was just one problem. The punks didn't want you to go. You thought that was absolute bullshit. Right now you're picking out a nice dress to wear. You finally found what you were looking for. It was a short black dress with a fluffed out bottom. You found a black pair of stilettos to match. You slipped on the outfit and grabbed a black purse to match.
"Ok now I just have to wait till they go to sleep. Maybe I should take this with me." You said to yourself while grabbing your dragon sword and slipping on your belt under your dress. Then you put the sword in. No one will know. It was 10:30 pm. The party started a half an hour ago. You fixed your hair and went out your room. You snuck down the hallway. Empty. You passed the kitchen. Empty. The living room also held no life form. Finally when you got to the door to the warehouse you saw a familiar face looking at you.
"Well. I thought Rebel and Swift said you couldn't go out?" Mc said standing up from the chair he was siting in.
"Come on just let me go." You begged.
"Y/N. Rebel is gonna kill me if I let you go." He shook his head and crossed his arms. Then a thought popped into your head.
"Do you wanna be my plus one? Then I won't be in any danger." You said with a wink. Mc thought about it for a second.
"Then we will both be dead. But I can't pass up a party. Ok let's go." Mc looked around quick to make sure no one was there and you both slipped out and headed to the party. It was only a few blocks away. As you guys walked you felt like someone was following. You kept looking back but didn't see anyone. After about 15 minutes you got to their house. You knocked and F/N answered.
"Hey Y/N long time no see!" F/N said.
"Is it ok that I brought a plus one?" You ask while pointing to Mc. Your friend shrugged and shook Mc's hand.
"A friend of Y/N's is a friend of mine. Come in." F/N opened up the door to let you two in. The music blasted and lights flashed. A large whiff of alcohol hit your nostrils.
"Have fun!" F/N said and she walked away.
"What do you wanna do first?" You asked. Mc looked around.
"I'm gonna dj." He said.
"But there already is a dj." He looked at you.
"I know." He went up to the Dj and talked to him for a few minutes before the guy moved out the way for Mc to take over. Mc started dropping some beats. You chuckled at yourself and went to get a drink. You weren't a huge drinker but your ex gang did it a lot and you joined them once in a while. You haven't had a good beer in a while. You were the youngest there but no one cared. Everyone was underage drinking. You popped open a can and took a few gulps. You ran to the dance floor and started to dance. You drank more of your beer. All your cares about the other punks vanished. Mc soon gave back the set to the dj and joined you on the dance floor. Everyone cleared the way for Mc to dance. You must say he is a very good hip hop dancer. He even did a head spin. Everyone was cheering him on. Soon a circle formed and it became a dance circle. After Mc went another guy went trying to beat Mc's moves. He didn't do as good as him. Then you went. You were dropping it low and even twerked. All the guys stared at you while the girls scoffed. You were a good dancer. After your dance you chugged the rest of your beer while people chanted.
"Chug! Chug! Chug!"
Mc stared at you with shock and anger. He didn't like that you were drinking. You looked at him.
"Come on have some fun." You grabbed two more beers and handed one to him.
"I don't drink." He said while trying to give you back the can.
"Just one." You said while giving it back to him. He sighed and you both opened up the cans. An hour passed by and you both had at least 10 beers. You were stumbling around while Mc was Doing a keg stand. Everything seemed so fun now. You didn't want to leave. You met up with Mc when we was done.
"Dude the guys would have loved this!" You shouted.
"I know!" He responded with a burp. You laughed and hiccuped a few times.
"No we wouldn't have." You both stared at each and the music stopped. You both turn to see a cross armed Swift. Ghost had a gun pointed at the dj to stop the music. Everyone fell silent.
"Who are they?" F/N who was as drunk as you said. You hiccuped and smiled.
"Hey guys you made it! Mc they made it!" You shout to him. He lifted his can.
"Wassup dudes." He said while trying to walk over to them.
"It's time to go." Rebel said while looking at all the drunk teens staring at him. You looked around.
"Yo stop crashing the party!" You yelled at Ghost who still stopped the dj from playing. He growled at you. You drank more of your beer.
"Stop drinking!" Rebel yelled while taking your can.
"But I wannaaaaaa." You whined while stealing Mc's and chugging the rest of that. Everyone was still dead silent.
"We are leaving." Swift growled while taking your arm. You yanked it away.
"Since when are you the non fun one." You hiccuped.
"Yea bro you're turning into a Rebel." Mc said while pointing at him.
"Mc you are so irresponsible!" Rebel shouted and smacked him upside the head. You rolled your eyes.
"Oh really?" Swift picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You flailed for a second but started to get drowsy. Everything was spinning. You saw Rebel grab Mc and you all ran out.
"...we called the police..." Ghost said before we were all gone. The last thing you remember is going back to the warehouse before blacking out.

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