The punks meet Spidey

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-I had a lot of requests to write a part two so here it is-

You were laying in bed when your phone buzzes. It was your buddy Spidey! You guys met about a month ago when we saved you and now you guys are closer. He even told you his name! It was Peter!
P: Hey
Y/N: heyyyy
P: watcha doin
Y/N: wasting my life away one minute at a time. Hbu
P: Climbing down the side of your building anddddd I'm outta use your window:)
You drop your phone and run towards your window to see Peter hanging upside down in one of his webs. You open your window for him to come him.
"Hey...." you say while blushing like a maniac. He smiles and swings in.
"Y/N I have a huge question that I have to ask you." He said while sitting on your bed. You sit next to him.
"Shoot." You say while turning to ace him.
"Y/N L/N will you be my girlfriend?" He takes your hands and smiles at you.
"Peter your Spider-man...." You say to him. He frowns.
"OF COURSE I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" You say while hugging him. But then the moment was ruined by a familiar voice.
"Y/N WHO IS THAT!?" Rebel yelled while tugging Peter way from you. You whined.
"Give him backkkkk." You flailed your arms annoyed. Peter flung a web from his wrist at the wall and pulled himself towards it, escaping Rebel's grip.
"What the-"
"OMG ITS SPIDER-MAN!" You look over and see Mc see running. And he's fanboying....
"Wait a second. Y/N you live with the street punks!? I have to stop them from robbing banks, gang violence, and I'm pretty sure one of them likes to shoot things." Peter says while hanging upside down beside you. You growl at the punks.
"Guys leaveeee." But as you say that Swift and Ghost enter.
"...who's he...?" Ghost says while giving his famous glaring dagger eyes at Peter.
"Uh friend?" You say questionable.
"We heard him ask you out and you said yes." Rebel said while crossing his arms.
"No idea what your talking about. Right bab- Spidey...." You tried to save it. All the punks glared at Peter.
"Hey Spidey guess what?" Swift said with a devious smirk.
"What?" Peter responded with some attitude.
"You're in out territory." Swift said before tackling Peter. Peter fell onto the ground but quickly spun a web around Swift, tying him up.
"Next?" Peter said while looking at the brothers.
"Man get away from our sister!" Mc yelled. Did you just hear him right? Did he just call you his sister? HE DID!
"Ok so we all may not be in the same foot but can we please not-" Before out could finish your sentence the other three punks tried to tackle Peter but he flipped over them and spun them all I to a sticky web.
"Weak." Peter huffed.
"Not all of us were bitten by a radioactive spider bro." Mc responded annoyed.
"Guys! You're mutants you street fight very day!" You shout slightly disappointed in how weak that fight was. They all rolled their eyes at you.
"Y/N wanna go on a date?" Peter asks you while still glaring at your "brothers". You smile as big as the grinch.
"Yes!" You end up squealing and quickly run and grab close then go to the bathroom and change cause all the
guys were in your room. You come back out with a cool outfit on.

Your outfit

Your outfit

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"Beautiful. Let's go." Peter says while hooking arms with you. You blush and smile.
"Don't touch her." Rebel growled. You rolled your eyes and you and Peter climbs out your window. You didn't even let the punks loose of the web. At least you don't have to worry about them stalking you two.

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