You get protective

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After your whole birthday party everything relaxed during that night. You guys were chilling on them couch watching tv while Rebel did the dishes.
"Today was fun." You said smiling and laying down. You put your feet on Ghost's lap while you laid your head on Mc's.
"Yea it was pretty cool." Mc added.
"I know how we can make it better." Swift getting up and going to the kitchen. He came back with a couple beer bottles and handed them to Mc and Ghost.
"You don't get one." He says. By this point you were pretty upset with him. You've seen what drinking can do to people and were not about to let them drink especially in front of you.
"You Do you know what that does to you?! Give me those!" You jump up off the couch and take the beers from everyone.
"...damn it..." Ghost said while looking at his hand that once held a beer but it's now holding nothing.
"You guys are underage drinking!" You shout at all of them. Rebel exited the kitchen, he also had a beer. You growled at him and ran up and took his glass.
"I can't believe you guys! Especially you Mc." You shook your head.
"Nothing bad could have happened." Rebel said while sitting on the couch.
"It's not like we were gonna go driving." Mc added.
"Alcohol kills your brain cells and destroys your liver! I'm getting rid of all of these. Maybe when you twerps turn 21 then I might let you have one." You bossed walking to the kitchen to dispose the drinks.
"Did she just give facts to us?" Mc added. Swift shrugs and watches you enter the room.
"Mom please." He says giving you a pouty face. You cross your arms.
"No! Keep it up mister or else I'm sending you to your room." You say glaring at him. He chuckles and gets up off the couch and walks towards you till he's hovering over you.
"Try." He hugged in your face. You growled and kicked his shin the grabbed his bandana tails and started to drag him to his room. Luckily for you his door locks on the outside. You throw him in.
"What I can't I do?" You sassed.
"Mom I can't believe you did that in front of my friends." He whines.
"Their your brothers. They'll understand." You say while closing and locking his door. You head back out into the living to see Rebel with another beer not giving two shits.
"Rebel!" You shout. He turns and looks at you.
"Oh shut up tiny." He says while taking a sip of it. You stomp over to him and step the beer from him.
"When I say no, I mean it. Now go workout! For an hour! Now go on, go!" You say shooing him away. He rolled his eyes and went back to the workout area. You sat back in the couch.
"Ugh teenagers. They just love to cause trouble." You say while crossing your arms and shaking your head.
"You out Swift in his place. Good job." Mc says politely.
"And don't think won't do it to you Mc." You snap. He puts his attention to the tv.
"Something's off about you too." You eyes both of them but they keep looking at the tv.
"...nothing's wrong with us..." Ghost says without looking at you. You look at them suspiciously.
"Ok then let me smell your breathes." He says sanding up off the couch while looking at the two brothers. They eye each other.
"" Ghost says while getting up to leave. You grab his arm and turn his face to look at you. You move close to his face and smell his breath.
"You are drinking still!? Where's the beer?" You say dragging him back onto the couch. He stays silent. You look at Mc who is fiddling around with his fingers. You give a smirk.
"Mc I know you know where his is. And-, " You smell his breath which has barely any alcohol on it, "you don't smell a lot like alcohol so if you tell me where his beer is I won't punish you." You say nicely. He eyes Ghost who is shaking his head at him.
"In his vest." Mc mumbles. You glare at Ghost who just crossed his arms.
"Open." You saying. He looks at you.
"....I'm not stripping..." He says to you. You took your eyes.
"No jokes. Let me see the beer." You snap at him. He growls and glares at you then slowly removes the beer from his vest. You snatch it out his hands.
"Go to your armory now!" You say pointing the basement door. He got up and easily went to the armory. You sat on the couch and sighed still holding the beer.
"You want me to throw that away for you?" He asks. You shake your head.
"I need some of this. I just didn't want te guys to see me drink. I trust you won't tell them. Rebel will get mad if I drank." You start to drink the beer and you offer Mc some. He takes it and takes a little but before handing it back to you.
"So don't tell them?" He asks.
"No." You respond then drinking more.
"Ok." He says. There was a moment of silence when....
"HEY EVERYBODY Y/N IS DRINKING!" Mc yells while scurrying away. You growl then here the familiar.
"Y/N YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!" You sigh and watch Rebel storm out the workout room.

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