You get depressed

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You were sitting in your room in the dark. You haven't felt like doing anything lately. You've just been sitting around your room. Recently you ran into some members from your ex gang. Even though Bullseye is dead they still hate you. The only plus is that they aren't after you anymore.
You ran into the Dark Twins and Spider. You tried to ignore them but they just started to shout random insults at you.
"You fucking stupid girl! I can't believe your dumbass has friends." Spider hissed at you. You growled at him.
"I got more friends then you do." You sassed back. 
"Well at least he ain't a ugly whore like you." Kitty got into your face to let you know she meant it. You tried to keep your cool.
"Nah. I ain't a you." You respond starting to walk away. But Dinger grabbed your good and threw you on the ground. You would have pulled out your dragon sword but you left it at the hideout. All you can do is hand to hand combat.
"You fucker!" You say while jumping back up.
"Slut." Kitty mutters.
"How the hell am I slut? At least I didn't bring a new guy home every weak. You can't keep your damn legs closed." You yell at her. She immediately catches you by surprise and punches you in the gut. She leans down to whisper in your ear.
"Once a loser. Always a loser." She muttered while throwing you on the ground. They each kicked you once and walked away laughing. Your laid curled up on the ground for a second to catch your breath. Tears ran down your face as you stood up. You didn't notice Swift was running towards you.
"Y/N are okay!?" He rushed to your side and helped you up. You started to cry in his shoulder. He rubbed your back and picked you up and carried you back to the house. When you guys got there you quickly rushed to your room and ignored everyone else around you.
-Flashback over-
"I'm worthless. There's nothing good about me. Just like Kitty said once a loser always a loser." You say to yourself. You look around your room and see your dragon sword sitting in the nightstand next you. You pick it up and pull up your shirt.
"I'm a nobody." You say while putting the blade to your skin. But before you can cut yourself your door opened and Swift walked in.
"Y/N!" He ran up to you and snatched your blade. You stood there shocked and started to cry. He immediately held you close.
"I-I'm s-sorry...." You stutter out. He rubbed your back.
"It's ok. Guys come in here!" He shouts. The other three walk in. Rebel takes the sword from Swift and puts it on your dresser out of reach.
"Yo what happened?" Mc says while sitting next on the other side of you.
"Someone tried to cut their sides." Swift said while eyeing you.
"You tried what!?" Rebel said angrily. You sobbed even more. He quickly hugged you.
"I-I-I'm a nobody guys." You cried more.
"...stop crying..." Ghost says while leaning up against the wall.
"T-they put me down. L-literally." You hugged Mc.
"Y/N you are always a somebody. Especially to us. You are very talented. You can rap, dance, sing, and fight." Mc said to you nicely.
"You are special and if we didn't love you then we would have sent you back onto the fucking streets a while ago." Rebel added.
"And you're not as annoying as Rebel so that's a plus." Swift adds.
"'re cool I guess..." Ghost says kindly. You smile at them.
"D-do you guys mean it?" You say looking at all of them. They each give you a nod. You hugged them all tightly. It doesn't matter what those losers from your ex gang say. It matters what the closest people to you think. The punks are the closest family you had in a long time. They are your family. You love them.
"I-I love you guys." You say quietly as you fiddle with your hands. You were kind of embarrassed that Swift caught you about to cut. You know that it's never good to do.
"We love you too." Mc spoke for everyone. Now you wanted to cry but from happiness. And you did.
"Rebel..." you say while looking at him.
"Yea?" He says with smile.
"I'm hungry. Can you make dinner?" You say with a slight chuckle. He rolls his eyes and walks out.
"There's the Y/N we love." Swift says while punching your arm. You wince.
"I'm sore you dick." You mumble. He inches away. You give a smile.

Cutting is never the option. Every single one of you guys are talented and amazing in your own way. And if someone doesn't see that it means they don't have that talent. They don't understand. There's something good in all of you. Never forget it!

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