You find a Puppy

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You and Mc were walking down the streets together. You two just got done spray painting some PD territory and were heading home.
"I think the PDS will be happy with their surprise." You say with a chuckle. Mc nods. You immediately stop when you hear a small whimper come from an old alleyway. Mc stood as well and looks a you.
"Y/N what are you going?" He asks. You shush him and listen again. And again you hear another whimper. You quickly run down the alley in search of the thing making the noise. Mc chases after you. You keep running till you come upon a heart breaking sight. You see a black pit bull pup that is slightly beat up, chained to a old and rotting doghouse. The pup had no food or water. He was slightly beat up. You put your hands over your mouth.
"Bait dog." Mc muttered. You turn to him.
"A bait dog?"
"Yea ya know those dogs that forced to fight but only to improve a bigger dogs strength. Looks like this little guy was one of them." He kneels down to the pup and sticks his hand out. While Mc is distracting the dog you unchain him from the doghouse. The pup turns and looks at you. He started to growl.
"Hold on boy. You're a brave little boy. Yes you are, yes you are." You say in a cute voice. The dog immediately stops and starts to wag its tail. You kneel down and pick him up.
"Y/N, you know Rebel won't let you keep him." Mc said while standing back up.
"He can fight me then. I'm naming him Shadow." You say while snuggling him. But you quickly stop as you see a tic on him and the fleas. You quickly set him down.
"Mc can I have your chain?" You ask. Mc nods and removes his chain from his pants. You tie it around the dog and use it as a lead.
"You ready to go home and deal with Rebel?" Mc asks. You give a happy nod.
"Shadow needs a flea bath too and probably a check up. I'll have to take him tomorrow." You say while leaving the alley. Mc smiles and shakes his head.


You, Mc, and Shadow walk into the hideout. Ghost and Swift were sitting on the couch watching tv while Rebel was in the kitchen making dinner. Swift was the first to notice Shadow. He immediately got of the couch.
"Y/N....seriously." He glared at you.
"Hold save the glaring for Rebel. Ghost isn't he cute?" You say while looking at Ghost. Ghost glances over and looks down at the pup. Shadow looks up at him and wags his tail. It was an adorable moment till...................Ghost just shrugged and put his attention back to the tv. Swift lead over to pet Shadow but you stopped him.
"Hold on Swift. He's got tics and fleas." You say while slapping his hand away.
"Burn the tics. It's funny to watch them pop." He said with a slight chuckle. You shook you're head. It was quiet for a moment till you heard the normal.
"Y/N YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" You wipe your head around to see Rebel tapping his foot and glaring at you. Shadow notice Rebel and wagged his tail more with a small yip. You rubbed your neck and giggled.
"Yea....isn't be cute." You said innocently.
"Take him to a shelter now." Rebel said. Usually you don't waste time to fight with Rebel. But this might be a challenge.
"No!" You yell. Everyone but Rebel looked at you in shock.
"Did you just say no?" Rebel walked closer to you.
"Yes I did. At least you have good hearing. you have good listening? I'm keeping him." You snap. Rebel was now ticked.
"Since when do you make the calls?" He asked taking another threatening step closer.
"Since when do you? Swift is the oldest." You at while walking up to Rebel and poking his plastron (chest for a turtle). He looked at Swift.
"Tell her we ain't keeping this mutt." Rebel snapped. Swift looked at the pup.
"But he's so cute." Swift retaliated.
"Swift!" Rebel shouted causing Shadow to bark.
"Shush Shadow. Swift will win this." You whisper.
"Swift we aren't keeping it."
"Yes we are."
"No we aren't."
"Yes! I agree with Swift." You butt in. Rebel threw his arms in the air.
"FINE WE WILL KEEP THE DAMN MUTT!" He shouted while storming off to the kitchen. You happily high fived Swift.
"Thank you." You say. He gives a nod. Shadow gives a happy bark.
"I'll take that as a thanks." Swift said looking down at the dog.
"...go bath him..." Ghost says. You forgot he was even there! You nod and quickly rush Shadow to the bathroom and clean him off. The fleas will have to last till you can take him to a groomer to give him a flea bath. You smiled to yourself as you gave Shadow his bath.
"Welcome to your new home bud." You say. He licks your cheek and you chuckle.

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