When you get your period

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It was around midnight and you were rolling around in your bed uncomfortable. A cramp in your stomach shoots through your body and you pull your knees to your chest. You get out of bed and realized the blood on the bed.
"Damnit it Aunt Flo." You mumble to yourself. You went to the bathroom to see if there were any tampons/pads for you to use. Of course there wasn't. You got to go to the one guys room that will be mature about this and awake. Ghost. You put some toilet paper in your underwear and changed out of your blood pants and put on a different pair. You quietly go to the basement door and gave a slight knock. You didn't get an answer so you decided to just walk downstairs. You need someone to go to the store with you, especially when it's night. You go down the rammer steps and see Ghost working in his guns. You walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder. He turns and looks at you.
"Ghost will you go to the store with me. Everyone else is asleep and I don't want to go alone." You say. Sure you may be a feisty and independent girl but sometimes you just gotta ask for some help. He raised an "eyebrow" at you. Your face turned red and you held your stomach as another cramp hit you. He stood up from his desk. You looked at him as you leaned over holding your stomach. He immediately understood. He went to his bathroom and came back out with some painkillers. He handed them to you with a glass of water. You quickly took them hoping it will help.
"...ok let's go..." He took your hand and went upstairs with you. Sometimes these guys make you feel like a little sister. Now is one of those times, and you enjoy it. It makes you feel loved. He handed you your jacket and your sword. He opens the door and lets you walk out then followed by him. He closes and locks the door and comes to your side. You both start to head to the convenient store down the street. You never felt safe walking down the street. You get another cramp.
"Ghost the damn painkillers aren't working." You complain.
"...give it time..." He says. You guys are almost at the convenient store. Till you realized.
"Ghost....I forgot my money." You say while checking your pockets. He pulls out a $20 from his vest pocket.
"...Swift might be low on some cash..." He says while opening the door for you and him. You give a slight giggle. The cashier stays quit as you two entered. Probably scared of Ghost. You two walk down the aisles till you finally found some pads/tampons. You grab a box. Ghost just stood in there in silence. You walk back to the front but Ghost wasn't with you. The cashier raises an eyebrow.
"That's why you don't bring a guy for girl business." The women says with a smile. You roll your eyes.
"Well he's got the money." You say while crossing your arms.
"Ghost!? Come on!" You shout. Ghost exits a different aisle and sets what he was gonna buy on the table. He did t let you see what it was. The cashier rang you two up and out the stuff in a bag. Ghost paid and then you two left. As your walking down the street Ghost pulled out the item he bought and hands it to you. It was some chocolate.
"Awe thank you." Yo usar sweetly and hug him.
"...I don't want to deal with a bitch..." He says. You roll your eyes.
"I'm not that bad." You say while stuffing some chocolates into your mouth.
"You know what how bout you get a period! See what it feels like!" You are more chocolate.
"...one I'm a male. Two I'm a turtle..." He says matter of factly. You just chuckle.
"Can I have a piggy back ride?" You ask.
"Please pretty please!"
"...ok if you just shut up..." He says while standing still and letting you hop onto him. You hold him tightly. Him and Mc are your favorites. They get understand you more. You didn't notice but Ghost had a slight smile on his face. He carried you home. You two were happy that no one tried to pick a fight with you. He carried you to the bathroom and handed you the box from the bag. He left you alone for a minute for you to get yourself taken care of. As you exit the bathroom you see Ghost leaning up against the wall waiting for you.
"...good...?" He asks. You give him a nod.
"You gonna pay Swift back?" You ask.
"...what's to pay back if he doesn't know it's missing...?" He messes up your hair.
"Smart." You give him a hug.
"...night. And if you need anything, I will be up..." He says and walks off.
"Night." You say while heading to your room. What you didn't know was that Rebel was in his room and had peeked his head out to see you two. He took a picture.
"Awe. Ghost has a soft side." He whispered to himself before going off to  bed.

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