You get captured -.- Dumb

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"Ok guys I'm going out." You say as you start to head out.
"Hold on there missy. You aren't going by yourself." Rebel said while walking up to you. You rolled your eyes.
"I need a break from males. There's too many!" You shout while pointing to your brothers and pets. Rebel crossed his arms.
"What's wrong with too many males sweetheart?" Swift said while standing up. Jax pulled him back down.
"Don't say anything. I wanna see if she wins." He says while watching you and Rebel argue.
"I just want some time with myself. I can take care of myself. Remember the one time I saved all of you." You sass while pulling out your dragon sword to emphasize your point. Rebel on te other hand didn't even seemed fazed. You sigh.
"Guys help me out here." You say while looking at the others. Ghost didn't say anything and neither did Jax.
"Dude just let her go. Give her a time span." Mc said while giving you a thumbs up afterwards. You smiled.
"What harm is a fifteen year old girl gonna do?" Jake said with a chuckle.
"Peter might be out and he'll watch her. Or maybe even more than that with her." Swift said while winking at you. You look away with a slight tint of red on your cheeks.
"Really guys? Just let her leave?!" Rebel shouted. You looked at the door that was a yard or so behind you. Rebel was distracted in yelling at the others you made your escape. You rushed through the door and all the Rebel heard was the sound of the metal door slamming shut.

You whistled while you strolled down the street. It was a quite and peaceful night. And that's a shocker especially in New York City. You were gonna head over to Peters house to hang out but right when you were at his apartment your phone buzzed. It was Peter.
P: Hey honey. Sorry to tell you this but  going out of town for while in Washington DC

You: Umm why?

Peter: Tony Starks wants to see me.

You: Starks? As in Iron Man! Omg lucky!

Peter: yea. I'm hoping a spot might open for me soon if I work for it.

You: ok babe. Well good luck. I can't wait to see you when you get back. I love you and have fun.

Peter: love you too Y/N

You: :)

He didn't respond after that and you were slightly sad but you understood. He was Spider man after all. You ended up walking past his apartment and headed to the store down the street. Everything was going good for you. You didn't have to worry about Bullseye or his gang anymore. You can roam the streets freely with no after you.

-Around the corner-

"Is that the girl boss wants?" Dan asks blankly.
"Yes that's her." Fred responded. He pulled out a potato sack to put over your head.
"Get her Fred." Dan commanded.  Fred nodded and attacked. He tackled you and you didn't see him coming. The bag was placed over your head.
"LET ME GO!!!" You screamed and thrashed around. But the last thing you felt was something hard hit the back of your head.

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