Bonding Time (Swift and Rebel)

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-these are all at different times and possibly days-

"Come on Y/N it's night. Let's go!" Swift while practically dragging you outside. Swift has been bugging you to take you out. You told him you didn't like him like that but because it's Swift he didn't listen. So you agreed to go out with him as a friends kind of thing. Right now you guys were gonna go for a nice midnight walk in the park. You were heading there right now.
"Swift you need to get girlfriend." You said while heading to the park with him by your side.
"That's what I'm trying to do here babe~" He responded while putting his arm around you. You rolled your eyes.
"For one I'm not dating you. And two don't call me your babe." You say as you remove his arm. You guys finally made it to the trail and began walking.
"I wish we could see the stars." You mumble to yourself.
"Yea. But humans are just so idiotic that they pollute the atmosphere." You turn to face Swift.
"Excuse me! I'm a human." You said while pointing to yourself. You looked at you and smirked.
"I know."
"You saying that I pollute the atmosphere!?"
"You all do. Everyone of these god damn humans. But you are better than the others." You were slightly offended but you couldn't argue, he was right. You never imagined a time in which Swift was right about something. But at least it's better then his other personality.
"And Y/N you are human which makes you have a nice ass and tits so how bout you and me sneak off somewhere private." You said with an evil smirk. You punch his arm.
"You're an asshole. You know that?" You remark sharply.
"Yea I get that a lot." He responded while shrugging. You got to admit he's pretty funny.
"So why exactly-" You were cut off by a familiar voice.
"Well look who we got here. A gorgeous girl and an ugly freak." You angrily turn around and see Hun and the rest of his crew behind you guys.
"Damn PDS." You hear Swift mumble.
"Hey, they're pretty weak. Wanna beat them up with me?" You nudge him. Swift pulls it his katana and nods. You pull out your Dragon Sword and you both go after the PDS. For the first time you had a good night with Swift.

Rebel was in the kitchen starting to cook dinner. He seemed so lonely. Mc usually helps him out but Mc went out with Swift and Ghost. You stayed back to keep him some company. So now you were sitting at the kitchen table watching him make his homemade pizza.
"Do you need any help Reb?" You ask while standing up. His face seemed to grow shocked. No one except Mc helps him and that's just once in a while.
"Ummm...yea that would be great." He said tiredly. Well now you feel worse.
"Or how bout you give me the recipe and I cook so you can go take a nap." You cross your arms.
"I'm not tired." Oh right he's the stubborn one.
"Dude you are definitely tired." You respond aggravated.
"Y/N I'm not tired. Now do you want to help me or not." He said highly irritated.
"Yea...but I'm going it by myself." You say while grabbing the ingredients it says on the recipe.
"No. I am not tired." He growled at you. You roll your eyes.
"Fine whatever." You help roll out the dough and apply the sauce. When that's all done Rebel put it in the oven.
"Thanks Y/N.  I appreciate it." He says while washing his hands. You wash yours with him.
"Now will take a quick nap? You're starting to be like Ghost." You say bluntly.
"I swear I'm not-" He yawns. You giggle a little.
"Uh huh. Sure you're not. How bout this, you take a nap on the couch and I'll wake you up when the pizza is ready." You say glaring up at him. All the guys are talking then you, except Mc, you and him are the same height.
"Fine." He mumbles while jumping into the couch.
"Stubborn son of a bitch." You mumble to yourself.
"I heard that!" He yells from the couch.
"Hehe I'm innocent I swear." You say quickly while starting to clean up the counter. After a while the oven dinged and you took out the pizza. You were gonna wake up Rebel but he was sound asleep and you decided to not disturb him. You finished up the pizza and set up the table. The guys will be back any minute. Right when you set up the last plate, you heard a familiar voice.
"I thought you said you would wake me up?" Rebel growled at you. You gulped and rubs the back of your neck.
"You were in a deep sleep. So I just left you alone." Rebel rolled his eyes at you and sat down at the table. Almost on cue the rest of the guys walked in.
"My stomach needs some food! Is it done!?" You hear Swift shout from the living room.
"Yea it is!" You yell back. The guys entered the kitchen and took their seats and you al as dinner together for the first time in a while.

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