Secrets revealed part 2

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"Well...this awkward." You say while fidgeting a little bit.
"Y/N. Who are they!?" Peter said while getting frustrated.
"Umm well that's Jacob. But he goes by Jake." You say pointing to the boy with black ears and tail.
"And who's the other one?" Rebel said while crossing his arms.
"Erm...Jax." You whisper the last part. But they still heard you.
"As in your pet cat?" Mc asked going up to him.
"Y-yea." You stutter.
"We um transform. Right Jake? Or should I say Shadow." Jax said with a devious smirk. Jake growled at him and transformed into "Shadow".
"" Ghost said not giving a shit unlike everyone else. Jax transformed into a cat. Then they transformed back.
"Y/N you aren't dating them are you?" Peter mumbled slightly nervous.
"N-no.  Just their master." You say with a slight innocent smile.
"That doesn't sound any better." Peter said while shaking his head and crossing his arms.
"T-that's not what I meant! Get your head out of the gutter!" You snap at him. Peter chuckles quietly then bites his lip.
"Ima go. I'll talk to you later Y/N." He said while shooting a web to one of the higher up windows and pulled himself up to it than left.
"So have you gotten laid yet Y/N." Swift said out of the blue.
"What? NO! GROSS SWIFT!" You shout and face palm yourself. Jax and Jake laugh.
"We could only wish." Jax said sarcastically.
"OMG ! STOP!" You shake your head while everyone except Rebel and Ghost were laughing.
"So you guys aren't mad?" You ask sweetly.
"Oh we are pissed." Swift said while slowing down his laughing and wiping away a tear.
"But can we stay?" Jake begged and gave his puppy eyes.
"Awe let 'em stay Swift! Reb! Look at him. Awe." Mc cooed. Swift and Rebel looked at Ghost. Ghost gave them the "do you really think I care" look which made Swot and Rebel whisper to each other a minute. You didn't hear what they were saying.
"Ok we made a decision." Rebel said formally.
"They can stay if they help out around here and they can't reveal themselves to anyone else." Swift finished for Rebel. You looked at them shocked.
"That's it? They can stay and that's all your asking?" You say very surprised.
"What? You want us to make them leave?" Rebel said while crossing his arms and raising an "eyebrow".
"I'm just saying-" You started but were tackled by Jax and Jake.
"Shush!" They both yell.
"You know what I like them more now." Rebel said with a nod.
"Why cause they tackled her and keep her in check." Mc asked. 
"No dipshit cause they found God. Yes Mc!" Rebel said while shaking his head.
"...stop being annoying Rebel..." Ghost sassed while scrolling through the tv shows on the tv.
"Shut up Ghost." Rebel responds. Ghost throws the remote down and walks to the armory.
"Rebel.....he" You breath out while you're still underneath Jax and Jake.
"And you're grounded again." Swift added.
"What for!?" You shout while getting Jax and Jake off you and standing up.
"For being annoying and sassy. Two days." Swift said with a smile.
"That is funny." Mc said while jumping onto the couch. You roll your eyes.
"Tell me when dinner is ready." You say to Rebel while walking to your room. Your "pets" follow you. You get in your room and lay on your bed. Jax and Jake also lay down with you. There was a moment of silence till...
"Y/N DINNER IS DONE!" You heard Rebel shout.
"AND TELL THEM TO WEAR CONDOMS!" You hear Swift add in. You sigh an "oh my god" to yourself and get off the bed.
"And that my fellow pets are my brothers." You mumble to them and you all go out to eat dinner with the family.

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