Patryk x Insane! Reader

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"i aM ThE LeFt bRaIn, I Am tHe lEfT BrAiN.

i wOrK ReAlLy hArD 'tIl mY InEvItAbLe dEaTh bRaIn.

YoU GoT A JoB To dO, yOu bEtTeR Do iT RiGhT,

aNd tHe rIgHt wAy iS WiTh tHe lEfT BrAiN'S MiGhT." You screamed and kicked over a lamp.

"Y/N!!! A-Are you okay?" Pat looked at you in shock.

"iT'S CoMiNg uP

It's cOmInG Up

iT'S CoMiNg uP

It's cOmInG Up

iT'S CoMiNg uP

It's cOmInG Up

iT'S DaRe

iT'S DaRe

yOu'vE GoT To pReSs iT On yOu

yOu jUsT ThInK It

tHaT'S WhAt yOu dO, bAbY

HoLd iT DoWn, DaRe" You started to dance around.

Patryk grabbed a gun, just in case.

Then, you stared him straight in the eye, smiling and whispering.


how should i feel?

creatures lie here

looking through the window..."

"Umm, Y/N? You feeling okay...?"

You started laughing... a lot actually. You sounded like H2O Delirious 

(He's gr8, m8)

Then you killed Patryck by lighing his hair on fire and throwing him at a high-speed train.

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