I'm Not okay

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Once I wake up, I was in the hospital, connected to a bag. Filled with new blood. Just for me. I tried to move but I feel like shit. "Oh hello Alise, I'm Dr. Taye nice to meet you. You're here today from a suicide attempt. Well, that's what we think. Anyways, you've lost so much blood, and you will have to recover. You cut a deep gash in your arm. And you will have to stay around a week. Any questions?" I just looked at her. And I had so many questions. But they wouldn't come out. Then finally "yeah I do actually, where's my doggo?" And I start to worry. "Oh he's in Animal Care. We can bring him in if you'd like?" And I smiled and sighed in relief. "Yes I would love to see him."

A few minutes pass...

"CHIBBI!!!!" he comes running up to my bed and stops. And gently licks my hand. And I pet his fluffy head. He rested his head on the railing and let me pet him. His tail wagging so much, he might have lifted off the ground!

A few hours pass...

Once they took Chibbi back to Animal Care, I fell asleep, as it was 1:00am. And I dream.

I walk towards the man in a black shirt. And he runs off into the trees. And once I start to run I stop. And realized he jumped off a cliff. Into... What seems to be glitter. And so I jump too. Not to wake up, but instead you are suddenly back at my "home" my father is fucking mom. While my little sister is in her room listining to her music. Trying to block out the noise of Mom and Dad. And I see the man in a black shirt again. He gestures towards my room. And I walk inside, the walls are covered in foam. And the man jumps into my old fishtank. But the fish are all dead. So I flush them down the toilet and jump into the fishtank. Then I'm in a land of music. But one song keeps playing over and over. It's like a short clip of a song. I can't quite hear the song. But it sounds something like dubstep. And I see the man in a black shirt. And he wants me to follow him. So I follow him into a cold room. Like a freezer room where they keep food in a restaurant. And he hands me a jar of peanut butter. And he hands me a spoon. And he wants me to open it and eat it. "But I'm allergic to peanuts." So he grabbed another spoon, opens the jar, and eats it, and he fell over. And I assume he was allergic too. So I ate a huge spoon full, and I woke up.

Wtf? "Hello" a voice says. I turn to my left and someone is there. It's someone in a green shirt. But, I can't see them clearly. My vision is blurry. "H... Hi?" I say. "Who are you?" The person paused. "Oh right where are my manners. I'm the care giver for your dog. And he... His name is Chibbi? Right?" He looks... Weird. "Um yeah what about him?" I ask "he's not doing very well. We have done a few tests and we found a tumor near his heart." He gets up. "We had to immediately go into surgery, and he..." He stopped. "He what??!" I raise my voice. "He didn't make it." Everything stops. My heart starts to race. The beeps are getting louder. The man called in the nurse and they had to take me to urgent care. And the last thing I remember is, someone saying "Don't worry, I'm here." And I black out.

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