It's just,

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After I was done setting up Simone's birthday breakfast, I went to wake her up.


"If you stay still long enough you can hear the neighbors moving to a different country" she and I both laughed as she arose from her bed. She walked down stairs and covered her face in embarrassment. She turned around and smiled like she's never smiled before. "You did this?! Forrr meeee?!??? AWWWWWWWW" She pulled me in for a hug and I squeeze her. "Only for the cutest Lil sister in the whole world!!!" We both run over to the table and Chow down. Once we are done it's almost 11:00am so we start to clean up and get everything ready. Simone invited some of her friends as well. So it's not just Tyler and Ethan.

After we are done with setting up, I call Ethan.

"Hey Ethan everything is ready do you have the painting??"
"Yup... I'll be over there in a little bit!"
"Okay! Bye!!!"

Once he hung up Tyler rings the door bell. "You're here early..." He smiles and walks in. Once he sees Simone he puts his arms out to hug her. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" He laughs and she blushed. After a few minutes passes and Ethan knocks on the door. I open it and he put the painting in a big box. He wrapped it, but it looks like Simone had wrapped it. I'm surprised. He went and sat the present down and hugged me, then Simone. When Tyler sees him hug me, he stood up and put his arms out to me. "I FORGOT TO HUG YOU WHAT THE HELL?!?" He pulled me into a huge bear hug. And once I let go he walks back over to sit down. I laughed and went to prepare the cake. Ethan came in and sat at the table. "Nice house." He said inspecting the fridge. "Yeah... Thanks. You've got a nice house too" we both look at each other and giggle. While I was stirring he comes up behind me and hugged me at my hips. I froze and kept stirring and he kissed my cheek. I blushed really hard... He let go and went to watch whatever Tyler and Simone was watching. I continued making the cake. And I put it in the oven. And Tyler, Ethan, and Simone took up the couch so I sat on the recliner and it was big. It could for two people, so Simone comes over and sits one me and says "scoot your ass!!" We both laughed, Tyler giggled and Ethan shook his head. Cute little shakes. I moved over for her and we watched a movie while the cake was baking. When it was done, the movie was just about over. So I pulled it out and let it cool off. Ethan and Tyler came up to me and looked at the cake. "You can't eat it yet! It's has to cool off so we can put frosting on it! So fly away!" We all laugh and go back into the living room this time Tyler sat next to me. It was very warm. And cozy! I looked at Simone and she smirked. I blushed. After a few minutes, the cake was done and I was about to frost it when Ethan came in and took the frosting and pushed me out of the way. But it was like a love tap. I smiled and walked to the fridge to find some strawberries to put on the cake. And when I turned around and closed the fridge Ethan was there and he smeared frosting on my cheek. I laughed then put frosting on his face. He walked up to me and licked the frosting off my face. I blushed and put the rest of the toppings on the cake. I washed my hands and face. Then we all ate the cake, and it was delicious! Tyler, Ethan, and Simone had two slices. I only had one. I don't have much of a sweet tooth. So I went into the fridge and grabbed a water while Ethan and Tyler grabbed soda. We all sat down again. And it was around 3:00pm and there was a ring at the door. Simone went to open it, her friends were there. Well, her boyfriend and her best friend. She hugged them both and they went into her room to do their stuff. Which left me Tyler and Ethan. Tyler suggested we play truth or dare. "What? Is this 5th grade? No!" Ethan laughed. And so did I. "What? No we are playing the adult version..." He smirks at us. Shivers go down my spine. I look at Ethan and blush. Tyler pulled out his phone and handed it to me. It had two sides. 'truth or dare?' I chose dare it said "trade your shirt with the person to your left." Tyler was to my left. I showed it to him. He smirked. He pulled off his shirt and I had a baggy shirt on, so that was good at least. Tyler handed me his shirt, and waited for me to take off my shirt. I took my shirt off and I was wearing a grey Calvin Klein bra. I handed my shirt to Tyler, and it fit almost perfectly. I put on my shirt, well his shirt and I hand Tyler's phone to Ethan. He chose dare. 'truth the bottle' he went to grab a water bottle from the fridge and spun it. And it landed on Tyler. I laughed. "HAHA NOW KISS YOU FOOLS!!" I laughed at them. And they looked at each other and kissed. I laughed and laughed. "HAHAHAH!!!" Tyler got the phone next. He chose truth. 'truth do you love in the group?'
Tyler blushed. "Well... I love..." He turned off his phone. Well that's it for this game. Bye guys I'm leaving. He takes off my shirt and I take off his and he leaves. I was just sitting there with my shirt off. And I looked at Ethan, who was starting at my chest. "Hello" I moved his head up to my eyes. I laughed and put my shirt back on. "Now what?" He sat on the couch. I sat next to him. "I dunno? We can play twister?" "Who's gonna spin the thing?" He asked and chuckled. I looked around. "I don't know... I can I guess" so I grabbed the game and we started to play. "Ethan, left foot green" he move in that direction. "Me: right hand red"
Once Ethan fell I was in a position to fall on him. So I fell on him. And I looked into his eyes. And I kissed him, this time on the lips. He kissed me back. We started to kiss more, and more. Then one of Simone's friends came into the living room. "Ewww guys!" We looked up at her and I got off of him. I helped him up and I sat on the couch, drinking my water.

Once the day was over... Ethan left. But Simone's friends stayed the night. Falling asleep was hard. I couldn't stop thinking about Ethan.

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