So go to sleep

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"Alise, do your chores!" I looked up from my piano. "Okay Mom" I stood up and I heard a huge slam. "DO NOT CALL ME THAT! IM NOT YOUR MOTHER!" I looked down at my feet. "YOU KNOW YOU'RE ADOPTED!!" I could feel a tear roll down my face. "I know, Katrina." I walked out of my room. "UGH YOU'RE SO STUPID!" She slapped the back of my head so hard I fell on the floor and that was the last thing I could remember.

End of flashback

I looked at Ethan. "Hey, Ethan?" He looked up from his laptop. "Yeah, babe?" I smiled at that. "Can we get a piano?" He looked at his laptop. "Well... If you really, really want one." He looked back at me and smiled. "Yeah when I was little I used to have one of those kid pianos and I used to make my own little songs and stuff. I've always been really good at it." We both smiled. "Okay! We can go later today right now I'm editing." He looked back at his laptop. "Okay." I got up and went into the bedroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Ethan!!" I yelled. "Yes??!" He yelled back. "I'm gonna go to my friend's house!" I said while walking out from the house. "Okay bye I love you!" He made a kiss face as I left. I wasn't going to my friend's house. I was going to the store. Why would you like about that?  You might ask, well. I was going to pick up some... Stuff.

Once I was at the store I went into the isle with tools. I looked around and found them. I purchased them and went into my car. And unpacked them, took a good look. What is 'them'?  You could ask. They are blades. I slowly put pressure on one arm and slid the blade across my arm. Blood started to fall from that cut. Then another. And another. Once my arm was covered in blood I tried to clean it. So I could go home. I didn't think about long sleeves. So I didn't have anything to cover them. I quickly ran into the store again and quickly got a new shirt with long sleeves, and put it on. "There" I said. "No one will know" I smiled to myself. I started to drive home when I noticed the blood seeping through the shirt. "Shit." I pulled over and took off the shirt. "Shit, shit, shit!!!" I decided to wrap the shirt around my arm like I was carrying it. "Okay." I drove home.

Once I was home I greeted Ethan "hey babe I'm home!" I hear him yell something but it was muffled. So I acted like I heard him. I walked upstairs to find him screaming for help. He was tied up and bloody. I didn't hesitate to take off the shirt from my arm and put it on him. Of course not making contact with my blood. "ETHAN WHAT?!?" Were all the words I could get out. He was crying and resting his head on my body. His mouth was tied up, like his body. It looked like he was thrown into the dresser. Because the dresser was shattered, and his back was bloody. And it seems he was attacked with a knife, there was a knife next to him, and I was trying to stop the bleeding from some stab wounds in his legs. I untied him and he held the shirt on his wounds as I called the police.

"911 what is your emergency?"
"Hi yeah! My boyfriend was stabbed and hurt and he's bleeding and we need someone here now! We have a cloth covering his wounds! Please hurry!!!"
"Okay ma'am we're sending some medics your way."
"Thank you."
"Just stay on the phone until they get there okay?"

I tell him the police are coming and everything is going to be okay. "I love you" he says. "Ethan, I love you too" his eyes start to close. "NO ETHAN!!! STAY HERE PLEASE!!" He grabbed my hand. "I love you, so much" his eyes shut. "ETHAN!!!" I can't see anything, my eyes are filled with tears, and my face is shoved in his chest. "Ethan!" I keep calling his name. And I listen to his heart slow down. "I love you, Ethan" I was still trying to hold his wounds, trying to save him in hopes he would stay. I listened as the doors burst open. I jumped out of the way as they scooped him up and took him away. I couldn't get up. So they left me and took Ethan. "Who?" I whisper to myself. "mE" I heard someone say. "AHHHHH" He smiled. "It's your turn." The lights flickered. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" The laughter was pure evil. "I am..." A loud crash then a loud laughter. Whoever it was hid. "Hide." He said. "What?" He left me. Everything in the room froze. As a man in a suit appeared. "Hello." A deep voice emerged from his mouth. His eyes were pitch black. "Hello?" I was scared. "I know, don't be" I looked around. "How did you know... I was..." He smiled and interrupted me. "Scared?" He said. His voice echoed in my ears. Who? Is that?  "I am Dark." My eyes widen. "Okay..." He stepped closer to me. "Nice to meet you, Alise." Something about him is... "Very touching.... But we must cut to the chase." I stopped thinking. "wE NEED YoUR hELP." I looked around. "We?" My computer turned on. And it glitched uncontrollably. "YEs. wE." The figure in the screen spoke. "Anyways," Dark said. "We need help with something." The glitch traveled to all the electronics. The radio, the TV, the computer... Over and over. "First who is he?" I pointed at the TV screen. "Him?" Dark smiled. "He's nothing." The lights went out. "i aM NOt NOTHING!" A very unstable voice spoke. "I aM Anti." Dark looked all around and then ducked. I felt electricity travel through my whole body. I fell to the floor. "Now look what you've done, Anti you hurt her." Dark helped me up. "OKAY!! WHAT DO YOU GUYS NEED HELP WITH!?" The lights flickered. Anti said, "wE nEeD heLp WiTH yoU." I felt confused. "What?" I said. "What he means is, we need your help to find you." I was still confused. "What does that even mean?" I sat down. "IT meAnS yoU cAN't FInD yoUrsElf...."  "So we are going to help."

Still confused. "Well then why did you guys say you needed help?" I stood back up. "Well... Hush. You need help, and we are here." I nodded. "Okay. But I don't need help?" The lights flickered fast, and Dark laughed. "Yes you do." I was mad. "No." The lights flickered and the TV turned on, the green glitch spoke. "DON't ArgUE." The TV turned off. Then my computer turned on. "iT maKeS hIM mAd..." The computer turned off. With a swift snap of Dark's fingers the lights came back on, and he disappeared. "Dark? Anti?"  I sat on my bed. And thought "what the fuck... I'm dreaming."  My lights turned off. In unison I heard Dark and Anti say, "Goodnight." And I fell into a deep sleep.

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