But now she's leaving

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A few days later, Simone walked up to me and she said "hey... We need to talk." I was scared. What's happening?! She left me to her room. And she began. "I'm leaving." I could feel a tear roll down my face. "Where?" I ask. "Well to college..." I wiped my tear "oh..." She took my hand. "And I'm moving to Florida..." I looked her in the eyes "as your older sister... I am proud of you. I want you to do what your heart tells you. Just? Stay safe?" We both giggled. "Okay I will" she smiled. And I hugged her for probably a good ten minutes. "Okay... When are you going?" I said letting go of her. "Well... I'm going with my boyfriend... And some other friends." She looked down. "What's wrong?!" I took her hands. "I don't know. I'm scared... I don't wanna leave you." She started crying into my chest. "It's okay!!! Please don't cry!!!" I cradled her and she started to cry less. "Okay I'm sorry. Anyways I'll be gone by Sunday. So... Tomorrow." I squeezed her. "Okay. I love you please wake me up before you go!" We both had the same idea. In unison we both said "SO WAKE ME UP!! BEFORE YOU GO GO!!" We both did not stop laughing. "No but really what time are you going to the airport, I'll drive you!!" I looked around. "Well... I'll have to wake up at 4:00am." I interrupted her "OH WOW!! DAS REALLY EARLY FUCK!!" We started to laugh again. "Well if you wanna come you have to wake up early with me" she smiled at me. "Okay."

Once it was bed time (around 7:00pm) I got a text from Tyler.
T: meet me at Ethan's house later tonight...
A: I can't maybe tomorrow
T: what why??
A: Simone is going to college tomorrow, and I wanna say goodbye to her. You can come if you want...

After I sent that Ethan texted me.

E: hay Bebe!
A: hi!!
E: wanna go out to eat tomorrow?
A: sure... Do you wanna say goodbye to Simone tomorrow? She going to college in Florida.
A: Well, you kinda are?? In a way. Because you're my...
E: Haha. Okay what time are we gonna wake up?
A: 4:00am...
E: oh wow okay goodnight then
A: goodnight ;)
E: 😘

I put my phone down then Tyler texted me.

T: oh!? What timeeeee
A: uhh 4:00am.
T: oh boy we better get to bed then huh?
A: yes. Goodnight Tyler!
T: goodnight. 💚
A: :)

I'm not sure if Tyler likes me... I'm not sure if he knows I'm dating Ethan? But I hope he doesn't like me in that way. But in other news, I fell asleep shortly after I sent that to Tyler.

In the morning I could hear Simone crying. I get up and go see her. "Simone?" I knocked on the door. "Yeah? Come in." She said sniffling. I opened the door and she's grabbing her bags and handing one to me. Obviously she gave me the heavier one to me. "Come on... Let's go." She said walking past me and out the door. I followed her to the car. And I placed her bags in the trunk. "Hold on I'll text Tyler and Ethan we're going to the airport." She smiled and looked out at the starry sky. I added Ethan and Tyler to a group chat.

A: hey guys, Simone and I are leaving to the airport...
T: okay.
E: can't wait :(
A: cheer up guys!! She's growing up and... Never mind she can't grow up!!! Ahh!!!
T: hah. Well I'm proud of her
E: me too. I'll see you guys there.
T: k
A: alright.

I turned on some tunes, because the car was quiet. The song "say something" came on. Simone quickly turned it off. "Sorry..." I said looking back at the road. "It's okay." I could tell she was crying still. "Hey? Come on! Cheer up!! You're going to college!! It will be so fun!!" She turned to me and smiled a little, then looked back out the window and cried. I started to rub her back. "We will keep in touch. I promise!!" She smiled again. But only to herself.

As we arrived at the airport, Tyler was easy to find. Because he was a giant. We rushed over to him, Ethan took the bag from me, and Tyler took the bag from Simone. "Okay... This is it. You ready?" Tyler said walking along side of Simone. "Yeah. I'm ready!! Like SpongeBob!" We all laughed. Ethan and I sat down while Tyler an Simone went to put the baggage away. "Alise?" Ethan took my hand. "Yes? Ethan?" I looked into his beautiful eyes. "Well... You're going to be home alone... All day... For the next few years... And I was wondering if you wanted to temporarily... Move in with me??" He leaned closer to me. Giving me his best puppy dog eyes. "Well... Sure!" His eyes lit up and he kissed me. Perfect timing.... He kissed me when Tyler and Simone came back "YOU GUYS ARE DATING!!?" Tyler said pointing at us. Getting people's attention. "Okay first of all, lower your voice..." Ethan began "and second of all, yes..." Tyler and Simone look at each other and look back at us. They say in unison "why didn't you tell us??!" Ethan and I giggle. "I don't know...." I said. "I guess... Yeah I don't know either." Ethan said laughing. "Well..." Simone started. Only for the announcement lady came over the intercom and said her flight. "Well, that's my que... Hugs?" He all filled in for one group hug. "I love you Simone..." I said. Ethan and Tyler say the same. "Okay guys I have to go..." We all let go and Tyler insisted to walk her to the plane. "I'll walk you over there." He walked away with her. Ethan and I watched them from a far. Tyler kissed her goodbye. "OMG!!!?" Ethan and I ran away to the parking lot. And we both screeched. "OMG THEY KISSED!!!" Ethan didn't know what to do. It was quite funny. Shortly after Tyler came out and saw us being weird. He came over and just stared at us. We looked at him then back at each other and laughed. "Yeah... That's what I wanted to tell you Alise... I..." He paused. "I love Simone" I looked at Tyler and stopped laughing. "Wot? TYLER SHE'S 18!!" He looked down. "Sorry..." He got into his car and drove away. Ethan and I got into our cars and drove back home.

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