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I woke up. "ALISE!!" Once again. In the hospital... Blood filling my veins... Ethan is sleeping... I'm crying. But silently so I don't wake him up. I reach for the off switch to end my suffering. Ethan's phone starts ringing which wakes him up. I quickly pretend to sleep. My body aches. I can hear him get up and answer the phone. "Hey?" His voice is tired. "Yeah she's sleeping why?" He's talking about me. "Oh sure I'll make sure to tell her... Yeah no problem...... Okay... Ok.... Bye..." I hear him put down the phone. I pretend to wake up. "Hey babe!" He comes over to me. "I've got something to tell you!" He smiles. "Shoot" I said trying to smile. But my face us swollen. "TYLER IS HERE!" My smile fades away as Tyler waked in. He has a few bandages on his face from earlier. I pretend I'm happy to see him. He comes up to my bed and says "I'm sorry." I look at Ethan. "Sorry for?" He acts fast. He slams Ethan into the bars from my bed. Then switched off the power to the whole room. Ethan is out cold. And I'm slowly dying. I reach for the nurse call, but Tyler turned off ALL power. I just sit there. Dying.

After 20 minutes a nurse comes running in. She turns on the power and my vision starts to blur. I try my best to stay awake. But it's not hard after I see Ethan bleeding out on the floor. The nurse picked him up and took him to an emergency room. It reminds me.


"GET OUT GET OUT!!! GEETTT OUUTTT!!!" Simone was punching me, and forcing me to get out of her room. "ALL I WANT ID MY CHARGER!!!" I shouted back at her. Trying to block her punches. "TOO BAD IT'S MINE NOW BITCH!!" I pushed her head into the dresser. I ran into her room and grabbed my charger. She cried and sat on the floor bleeding. Mom and dad were out... Me being the responsible 13 year old I was, I call the police. "911 what is your emergency?" It was a soft female voice. "HElLo??! HI MY NAME IS ALISE!!!! MY SISTER IS BLEEDING FROM HER HEAD!!!!" I screamed into the phone crying and regretting my decision. "Okay. How old is she?" The woman had a slight tone of fear. "She's 11!" I said shaking and holding Simone's head with a towel. "Okay. The medics are on the way. Is your door unlocked?" She waited for my response. "I don't know." I said trying to stop tears. "Okay can you check?" She was typing all of what I said. "No. I'm holding my sister's head... You can break the door down if you need to. I don't want her to die please hurry." I said stumbling on each word. "Okay. Do you know how this happened?" I hesitated... And lied. " She fell off the bed... Um. We were playing together and she was going to do a truck for me... And she fell off... Please hurry... She's not breathing." I could hear a gasp. "Okay.... They are almost there stay calm... It's going to be okay..." I stopped crying... I could feel my face drip blood. I wiped it off with my shirt. I had blood all over my hands... Her blood. "Okay." I could feel myself drifting away. I hear the door open. People came rushing in. And took Simone and I... The last thing I can remember is Simone smiling.

*End of flashback*

I wake up in a room with Ethan. He's wrapped up and asleep. "Ethan?" He opened his eyes "yeah?" He stayed still. "What happened?" I asked. "We almost died." The room was silent. Ethan looks at me. "My head hurts" he reached up to scratch it "what is this?" He was confused. "You hit your head..." He reached to touch my hand. "I love you Alise." He smiled and I grabbed his hand "I love you too, Ethan" we held hands. The doctor comes in. "Hello Ethan, Alise... I'm Dr. Taye... Uhm... You guys are very, very lucky!" Ethan and I look at each other, still holding hands. "And... I'm really sorry this happened to you guys... It's very unfortunate... Uhm. Alise, we have your dog in Animal Care... She's doing just fine." I looked at her. "How's Ethan?!" I looked at him. Then back at Taye. "He's fine. Just a small head wound... He will be going in for surgery soon. "okay."

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