And now i can touch him

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Once I woke up, I went downstairs to eat and after that I came back upstairs and showered, brushed my teeth, etc. And for clothes I put on a grey tank top, with a red flannel with long sleeves, and some black ripped jeans. A few hours pass, me and my sister were driving to vid con.

When her and I arrived at vid con, so many people were waiting in line to get in. A few minutes pass, and everyone flooded in. The only YouTuber I ever really watched was Rhett and Link. But I didn't really like them anymore. I hadn't watched YouTube in forever. So, I knew no one... I followed my sister and she took me to Ethan. There was a short line at his booth-looking thing, and once it was my turn, Simone hugged him and handed her phone to me so I could record her and take pictures. And she took a video of me meeting him also. It was probably the most awkward things ever. I hugged him and introduced myself. Something inside didn't let me let go of him. And he had to kinda push me off. And his beautiful eyes sparkled like the stars in the night sky. It turned me on... Once we met him I had so many butterflies in my stomach, I was so happy. I started to cry. I didn't wanna leave him. Something told me, something really good was gonna happen. But, nothing did. So Simone and I were just wondering around and messing around. Trying all the weird merch looking things. It was all really fun, but I miss Ethan.

When Simone and I got home, I went onto YouTube and binge watched all of Ethan's videos. Fangirled over everything! And when it was around midnight, I fell asleep.

By the time I woke up it was around 12:38, and Simone was still asleep. So I went downstairs and made some brunch. I sat on the couch and watched whatever was on.

When I was done, it was around 2:27, and I was about to take a shower. Then I got a notification on Instagram, "hey... This is Alise? Right?" It was from Ethan!

Alise: Um, yeah? Why?? sent 2:30

Ethan: Idk... You seem pretty cool. And I wanted to meet up! sent 2:31

Alise: Umm... I'm not so sure... sent 2:31

Ethan: aww why not? sent 2:32

Alise: I um... I have to wait for my little sister to wake up. sent 2:32

Ethan: oh... Okay? It's after 2:00... sent 2:32

Alise: oh... Yeah she likes to sleep in... sent 2:33

Ethan: oh... I don't blame her... Well then just tell me when she wakes up... sent 2:33

Alise: okay... Ttyl... sent 2:34

Ethan: okay bye... 😍 sent 2:34

Ethan: OOPSS SORRY WRONG EMOJI!! sent 2:34

Ethan: I meant 😃 that one. sent 2:34

Alise: okay I wouldn't care either way... Okay now bye 😂 sent 2:36

Ethan: bye 😂😂. sent 2:37

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