Maybe a DATE

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A few weeks passed by after Simone's birthday... Ethan and I have been talking wwaaayyy more. And just the other day he asked me something.

E: hey...
A: hi!
E: umm... I wanna ask you something.
A: okay go ahead... :/
E: um... I don't have anything to do on Wednesday... And I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere nice with me??
A: ah!! With me???? It depends...
E: on????
A: on if I have to be fancy...
E: well... If you consider a t-shirt and some jeans "fancy" then sure
A: okay... I'll be there what time??
E: cool!! Umm... Around???? 6 or 7??
A: okay... Are you gonna pick me up? Or am I gonna pick you up??
E: I'll pick you up. But what time.
A: oh!! Uhh 7 sounds nice.
E: k see you then.
A: wait!!
E: what??
A: umm... Is this a date?
E: ... :|
A: ... :)
E: ... See you there ;)
A: hahe xD

So I think I'm going on a date with Ethan. And I think it's going to be really good!! Anyways. It's Wednesday and it's 6:45... So... I text Ethan that I'm ready and a few minutes later he comes and picks me up.

In the car is very quiet. Until he says "you look nice" he doesn't make eye contact with me. He keeps his eyes on the road. "Thank you... You too..." I say trying to make eye contact, but he doesn't leave the road. "Thank you, Anyways..." He paused. "Um... Are you allergic to anything??" I look at him and he finally met my eyes. "Well... cantaloupe, honeydew... And watermelon... Sadly" his eyes glow in the sunset. "That is very unfortunate... Okay I'll make sure we don't order that." I interrupt. "Um.. are YOU allergic to anything??" He smiles. "Yeah peanuts" his eyes back onto the road now as we arrive at the restaurant. "Here we are!!" He gets out of the car and so do I. We walk in and there's not many people here. But... It's a really cute place. "Follow me." Ethan gestures towards a small booth. "Aww Ethan this place is so cute!!" He blushed and I did too. We both sat down and waited. A sweet man walked by and he looked familiar. "Hello what would you guys like today??" He looks at Ethan and smiles while he writes down what drink he wants. I stare at him wondering why he's so familiar. "And for you miss?" I looked away at my hands. "Um.. just water please. Thanks" he nods and takes off. I look around. Then Ethan pushed me a little. And I turn and look into his eyes and get lost. "Alise?" I look back down at my hands. "Is everything okay??" I look back it his eyes. "Yeah... That guy just looked really familiar." He giggled a little. "Not really but okay"

We waited for the guy to come back and hand us the drinks. And once he does come back I have to ask. "Do I know you?" He looks at me with great confusion. "Umm..." He looks at Ethan. "No" and he jogged away. "What a weirdo..." Ethan gently grabbed my hand a squeezed it. "So I wanna ask you something." He began. "Um... I was wondering... Are we a thing... Or?" I smiled and he blushed. I took a sip of my water. And said "well... Do you wanna?" I smirked at him. He smiled, and his whole face lit up. "Of course I want to Alise... I love you." I blushed. And he smiled. He grabbed my face and kissed me. We both smiled and ordered some food.

Once the food came we scarfed it down. No speck left behind. We sat there for a moment and the guy came by and swooped up the dirty plated and cups, and left. As so did we. Once we were back in the car Ethan turned on the radio. The song "Smooth Criminal" came on. (If  you don't know that song you can pick another...) 
Ethan and I both started jamming out to some MJ!!! We were laughing and my face started to hurt from laughing and smiling so much. Once Ethan brought me back home we sat in the car for a little bit longer for the song to end. Once it did, Ethan got out and opened the door for me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into and huge bear hug. He grabbed my face and kissed me. After he walked me to the door, we waved goodbye, and he drove off. What a date.

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