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"Run! Run! Run!" She yelled, feet slapping on the muddy ground, throwing wet sand up her bare legs.
She ran blind, pulling him along not knowing where they headed. The night was pitch black, it was both a blessing and a curse. It shielded them from their pursuers but it made running really difficult. She couldn't see a thing.
She kept pulling him urging him to go faster, she tightened her grip on his hand not wanting to let go off him at any moment. 'I'm not going to lose him' She thought to herself, she could feel him slowing down.
He was starting to get tired and he was injured badly, their breaths coming out in harsh spurts. He was becoming tired as expected, but they could not stop, not now, not with the ones coming after them. Her legs were burning, exhaustion was creeping in on her, She could feel the pressure building up in her chest, breathing was becoming an ordeal, she risked a look around her. The night was much darker, and the storm was more persistent, pelting relentlessly on the exposed parts of their skins, soaking through their clothes. Water ran down their faces, half blinding them. The rain wasn't being very helpful, the lightening flashes lit their path momentarily, the thunder rumbled much like an angry bear trying to claim its stake. She couldn't see much but she kept moving. She could hear them closing in on them, really fast, too fast. Adrenaline kicked in, she charged forward, picking up the pace, she maintained her grip on his hand pulling him along, he held her too. He was keeping up well. She was both proud and thankful for that.
"I see them!" She heard a voice call. It was quite a way back so she couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman.
"Oomph!" She felt her breath knocked out of her as she hit a solid surface, she saw the floor rushing up to her face, she had stumbled upon something hard.
She heard a grunt beside her, apparently her brother had been knocked down too. She felt at fault, she hadn't been paying attention to the road ahead. The voices coming behind them had distracted her, she got up quickly, reached out to her brother helping him up. She looked at him affectionately.

"You okay?" She asked .
He nods quickly "I'm fine" he said
She sighed.

He was always putting up a brave front for her benefit. She shrugged, they had to keep moving, but what had they run into? She turned her attention to the hard obstacle in front of them, briefly forgetting their pursuers.

"Its a door" She said,
glancing at her brother, he was wearing the same puzzled expression, she was sure her face mirrored.
"We should knock, maybe whoever lives in this place could hide us "
"It looks empty" he says shifting from foot to foot. "It honestly gives me the creeps" he concluded.

She took in the sight. It was a door alright., but a huge and very creepy one. It had strange markings carved into the very dark oak of the wood used to make it. She didn't think she had seen anything like it.

"It is creepy" she said "but we haven't much of a choice, we need to lose them and we are both too exhausted to run anymore" she glanced at her brother unsure face.
"We'll be fine, I'll just knock first" she said smiling reassuringly at him.

The door was so dark it seemed to be oozing out darkness from its insides. She looked up, they were at a house , a huge, creepy one. It could even be called a mansion. 'A Dark Mansion' she didn't like this one bit, but she wasn't exactly spoilt for a choice at the moment. The night had completely surrounded the house making it look like it had been covered with a dark cloth. The rain and the occasional lightening added to it's ominousness.

She pounded on the door, looked behind her, they were very close, her heart beating wildly, No answer. She raised her fist to pound harder on the door again., she could feel the hair on her skin bristling. Just as her hand grazed the door again. It swung open, creaking obnoxiously as it swung in. They both took a step back, she felt her brother grip her hand tightly. This was not good. She could see and feel the darkness rolling out from within. She heard a twig snap. They were in on them already and she had to make a choice right now. She glanced again at the door, revealing the darkness within, she knew if they got them, it wasn't going to end well.

"We are going in" she said to her brother who was staring at her agitatedly. "We have no other choice" they gripped eachother's hands tightly, as she stepped on the threshold....

* * * * * * * * * * *

Hey don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think...

*Love Ryonne*

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